The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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 Macboy
Okay okay. This thing is going a little out of bounds. Better to make a new thread to discuss this. Would like it if this thread is kept a little cleaner.

Now, for an update, for those of you who use Illustrator and Indesign, SneakpeekPro the quicklook plugin has been updated to 1.1. Some nice improvements.


The sidebar is better organised with flippy triangles and such. You can also tell what kind of colours are being used. Really good as a pre preflight.
(Also, I didn't know double clicking the quicklook window opens up the file that is being viewed)

Tip of the week:
When in an "Open" dialog box, if you want a file from your desktop or stacks, instead of navigating to it somehow, just drag the file from desktop or stack into the Open dialog box and it will automatically navigate to that folder and highlight the dragged file. (Works for 'Save' dialog boxes as well)
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Another Brick in the Wall
Why the non Mac member ruining this thread? These days I hardly see any Apple/Mac related discussions. Please feel free to create a separate thread or I'll be forced to delete such 'unwanted' posts.

I've some queries:
1. How can I add some stuff in iCal and make me remember me like alarm thing that should pop out at a point of time to remind me even if iCal is not running (ie in quit state).
2. Anyone using iFreememory (or something like that). Is it recommended?
Why the non Mac member ruining this thread? These days I hardly see any Apple/Mac related discussions. Please feel free to create a separate thread or I'll be forced to delete such 'unwanted' posts.
as far as I can see, these posts are apple related, as we are just discussing a legal issue regarding apple.
The title itself says "The Offitial thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc."
If you are still unsatisfied, kindly create a thread with the title "Legality of Macintosh OS X TOS" and move all these stuff there.:|


 Macboy
Ok, cleaned this thread.

1. I though iCal pops out an alarm even if not open? I'll check and see.
2. Don't use iFreememory. It'll give you that feeling of the system becoming faster cause of freeing memory, but the moment you switch to an inactive program, that will take much longer to become active. These are also notorious for corrupting your open files.


Another Brick in the Wall
Maybe I missed some settings? I had to pay my blog host money and I put that in iCal. It never alarmed me. My blog was down for a few hours. :(


 Macboy
Yup. It checks out. I added an event and then closed iCal and the alarm came through (screenshot can be shown as proof). Maybe you checked the "don't show alarms when iCal is off" setting in the preferences?

Update: I even put the mac to sleep with iCal closed. On waking up the alarm shows through.
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Another Brick in the Wall
goobi -
No yaar. The iCal is in it's default settings and I need the alarm to go off, even if iCal is not running. Can you post a screenie? How to set the alarm? Or is it automatic? Also what's the red line thing in it?

Other query:
1. When I hit Front Row, the photos imported with iPhoto only shows. I manage my projects and photos with Aperture. How do I see the photos in Front Row when I manage with Aperture?

2. Do you remember Stumbi. I was refunded the $2 back as it's not working in my Safari. Can you point out where I'm making mistake and make it work. I want to donate $2 again. I've never donated for any apps, (donated to torrent sites only :p)
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 Macboy
Well here's the proof: *

Here's what the alarm looks like. I used the todo list but I assume it will work with the normal thing as well.

1. I don't think Aperture will work with Front row. Cause it's mainly for pro photographers and their RAW images. So every time a picture is displayed in aperture, those effects are applied to it. Front row will not be able to do that. And the previews that Aperture generates are not high quality. One of the reasons why I use iPhoto for all my personal/family pictures.

2. No idea. Maybe one could pass it on just to see if it works?
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Another Brick in the Wall
1. How to set alarm? Or is it automatic? Also what's the red line thing in it?
2. In the Apple video on using Aperture and iPhoto, this point might be there. Lemme check it out again.
3. You need Stumbi .dmg? To test and see if it works..

ex3n1us m4x1mus
iCal alarms have always worked for me when iCal is quit. I have 3 recurring alarms that run everyday. Two of them run my router reboot script and the third one wakes me up every morning. No need to keep iCal running at all.


 Macboy
1. Just create an event or To do. Then double click it. You have to set a due date for the alarm thing to come up. Once you set the due date, just select the type of alarm. Pretty straightforward from thereon. And what red line you talking about?
3. Yeaaah...


Another Brick in the Wall
1. Ok got the Alarm thing. Last time around it was in "None". Issue solved. Here's a screenie of the red line I was talking abt:


3. Send the DMG. Check your Gmail Inbox.

New Query:
1. I've a ~8 GB .mkv movie. How do I split into two 4 GB .mkv so that I can burn in a DVD?

P:S : Yipeeeeee! A new Beta (free!!) of Skitch is released. :D


I draw every day
I downloaded 1080p of ratatouille too. but I burned it to dual layer disc. I wouldn't know how you could split it. and yeah, the red dot and line indicates what time it is right now.


Another Brick in the Wall
Ohh I was wondering what that thing was!

DL DVD cost a bomb so it's better for me to burn to 2 DVDs. Anyone assist me in how I can do the same?


 MacManiac

How to resize, batch resize images ?? (I really miss Irfan View!!.) Any app is Okay but I want the steps

Google search gets tools for .mkv splitting in Windows only :-( Actually I need this one too but like you in Mac OS only.
I 've burnt some DL DVDs though, I get on DL DVD for 80/- :-(


Another Brick in the Wall
How to resize, batch resize images ?? (I really miss Irfan View!!.) Any app is Okay but I want the steps
Dude you've a Mac. Don't worry, it's taken care off. Darky had the same query and answered by goobi.

goobi said:
Resize Em' All:

You can also create an Automator workflow (or download one if you will) for batch resizing images with built in functionality.

There's also Photodrop widget, and Imagewell, but those may not be too good for batch resizing.

If you have photoshop open, you can do your resizing there itself.
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