^ 100 % agree with you. And about the plus points mentioned by gunner: Dude looks vary from person to person. Some would feel the Samsung is better for their taste and some would like Dell. You can't call it as a plus point. Its just that you are being a fanboy after the purchase.
All of you are justifying your purchase by saying that we have solved the heating problem by putting two books sunder the laptop or by using the coolerpad. That is the height of fanboyism. A laptop is not supposed to be used in that way. A person buys a laptop so that he can comfortably use it in his lap. Fact is that you should not have to do all that work to make laptop run properly after paying close to 55K.
If you are expecting the driver update to make the heating go away, then keep on dreaming. At best what nvidia would do is release a update which would cap the core clock, shader clock and memory clock to a lower level to keep the GPU cool. Eventually you would lose the edge 650m has over the other laptop GPU's. There a reason why some laptops have 650m LE version in them. Cuz It runs hotter and thus they had to include a better cooling design which would eventually result in increase of overall price.
Here are the points which no Samsung owner has mentioned:
1)Samsung used a i7 which is slightly faster than the dell but consumes more power and produce more heat. Very rarely you would run a program which would use i7's full power thus in real life usage you would never notice the difference in processors unless you run a benchmark. So you gotta ask yourself, is tolerating more heat really worth it?
2) 650m is a beast, there is no doubt about it. It just obliterates the 7730m and 640m. But you can't use it to its full potential without a proper cooling system. Which sadly Sammsung has not provided. Thus the heat from this and the hotter i7 combines with a poor cooling design thus resulting in the throttling you see.
So if you do want to game on your laptop then Samsung is the better choice then Dell but you have to think about investing a 1000 or 2000 bucks more for a cooling pad and get used to carrying the pad with you if you intend to game on the go.
On the other hand if you can forget about the 25% loss in the gaming performance then look no further than Dell. Its a perfect multimedia machine, runs cooler and has better battery life because of the low power consuming GPU and CPU. After Sale Support of Dell is the best in the market and there is no comparison to it. It was hilarious to see someone pointing ASS of samsung as a pro to Dell.