My PC is Infected Please Help...



The first thing I do every morning is check my G-Mail. But today when I opened the page it showed me the error as shown in the attached image.

I;m using windows 7 64 bit edition and I've AVG free antivirus installed which fails to show up in the task bar.

Please help me out guys as soon as possible.



I am the master of my Fate.
Clear all cookies/cache of Chrome & recheck.

also install Avira Antivirus (better than AVG) & do a full system scan.


It's expired because you are living in 2020. Check your time dude....

I know that, but the question is how did that happen. Till yesterday it was all good.
More over it was not showing my antivirus icon in the task bar as opposed to now.


I know that, but the question is how did that happen. Till yesterday it was all good.
More over it was not showing my antivirus icon in the task bar as opposed to now.

Maybe your antivirus is expired too.... :lol:

Start in safemode and start full scan with avg.


Aspiring Novelist
Yaa check time.
If everything fails try kaspersky rescue disk and burn it on a cd(make it bootable). Try a full scan and delete the viruses.
Try and reply. Avg may not good(i think so).avira is better than avg for sure.


Thanks everyone...

:rofl: I think OP Rested some thing on Bios time is the Default change it first

I didn't do anything on my own. I assume it happened on its own. Even every time when I turn off and on my system the time and date is not correct. Though it happens to stay in the same year though :p

Anyway my AVG scan is working in safe mode and soon I will do complete scan and see what happens.

On the other thought is my PC is about 5 years old and my bios battery has never asked for a change. Could that be an issue ??


I am the master of my Fate.
Anyway my AVG scan is working in safe mode and soon I will do complete scan and see what happens.

On the other thought is my PC is about 5 years old and my bios battery has never asked for a change. Could that be an issue ??

when the CMOS battery is reset it sets the date to 2000~2001
and not 2020.

this shud be a virus issue manipulating time & date on every reboot :cool:


Hmm Did a complete scan in safe mode using my existing AVG antivirus. Not quite sure if all the areas were scanned but my system seems ok right now.

Will wait for few more days and see if the problem persists.


I'm still facing the issues with timing and all.:|

Did AVG scan in safe mode but it didn't help.:-(
If anyone can name atleast One freeware that could come to rescue would be great.

I've used COMBOFIX in the past. But now when I've switched to 64bit architecture it doesn't seem to work anymore. If anyone has the link to 64bit version of COMBOFIX please forward me the link.

@SAM :- Tried using Emisoft, though it found out few faults and cleared them but the problem is still there..

Everytime I switch on my system. I've to change the time and then Log Off and Then Log In to load the startup files like antivirus and rest.

Guys help me out of this situation. This is the first time I'm facing an issue since I've started using WIN 7 .


as you said every time you restart time changes.. It means you need to change cmos battery.. just get a new one and then your date will be saved in memory when you turn your comp off..

anyway when you start your comp.. what date does it show.. I mean past date or future..(I love your comp which shows future.. :p :grin:)


If the above suggestion of changing the CMOS battery works , then I am pretty sure his computer has been teleported from future. :p


Check the time in BIOS , and shut it down for a while. Now switch it on and check the time once again in BIOS .
If they are all the way same(~) , its gotta be your CMOS cell.
You can simply rule out the existence of any virus behind this if you get above results.

Btw , I was wondering that do we need to mention the AM/PM thing when using a 24H time clock.
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