TDF "BAN" thread

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Hey guys !
I noticed many user having banned as their sig.:-D

post here your ban record, reason and duration.
And this thread is meant only for fun, don't take in wrong way, please.

Here's mine=

Times banned - never
reason - probably i don't troll !
duration - N/A.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Times banned - 3
Reason - Self-requested. Troll. Self-requested.
Duraction - 1 month. 3 days. 1 month.


Legend Never Ends
Times banned- 3
Reason- Spamming, Spamming, Self Requested
Duration- Total around 10-15 days I think.

Btw spamming isn't advertising. Its because of posting useless things :p


Human Spambot
Times Miserabled: 1,Times Banned: 2.

Reasons: Miserabled for posting something in Pakistan discussion thread. Banned once for trolling sunny and the another ban is a self requested one.

Duration: Miserabled for 3 days. Banned for 2 and 20days respectively.


ha with this thread open , I think even I need to get Ban to have that Badge of honour LOL


Aspiring Novelist
Times banned - 3
Reason - Self-requested. Troll. Self-requested.
Duraction - 1 month. 3 days. 1 month.

Ya, once Raabo banned you and Raahim. That time we all were not MODs. He he. Some football stuff.

Times Miserabled: 1,Times Banned: 2.

Reasons: Miserabled for posting something in Pakistan discussion thread. Banned once for trolling sunny and the another ban is a self requested one.

Duration: Miserabled for 3 days. Banned for 2 and 20days respectively.

I banned you once...! :)


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
i know a big secret here whcih lead to a big fight here on forum probably 3 yrs back. if i reveal the secret i dont know wat ppl will get banned :p :p
Cause i know the mastermind behind that fight :p


Staff member
When I was banned, I got redirected to some wikipedia page of some word like fool or idiot.


Total times banned:-2

Reason:-Ist time i showed tdf its quality or flaws in a practiacl way.They requested me to stop trolling as i had mentioned in one of the posts that i learned this quality from this forum only.
2nd I was right they were wrong.Law is blind so are some people.Wrong guys outnumbered and they had to ban me.

I dont care and I still dont like those members.


Times banned- 3
Reason- Spamming, Spamming, Self Requested
Duration- Total around 10-15 days I think.

Btw spamming isn't advertising. Its because of posting useless things :p

it was you whom i noticed with a "banned" sig. , for the first time.:)
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