Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


I am the night...I am...
^^ So you are saying that COD BO was a good game as it made a record right ??
COD is made for newbies. I mean do I have to point out numerous faults in a COD games.

Ofcourse it was a good game. No doubt about that. No way it can be considered as bad.

Don't point out faults. Neither you are a critic nor we are sitting here to count faults. Be optimistic and try to find the goodness. Nothing is perfect you know. If you are such a worthy player then don't waste time. Go out and seek challenges in tournaments.

Your comment "call of duty is for newbies" is your own personal opinion. Don't force it into others. You didn't like it.....fine. Keep it to yourself.


Living to Play
Oh come on now. A game gives you 600+ bullets with lame AI what would you call that. Heck weapons don't even recoil much you can actually just keep walking while shooting. Is this what I expect from a AAA game ??
Black ops was a lame game and I guess most of our members would agree to that. I don't know what you saw good in that game.

As for me I am a RPG lover and play FPS for a break so not interested in tournaments and all that. Co-op is good for me not online play. I don't have a fast enough net connection and don't havd that much time for games which I don't like too much.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I really consider games like Battlefield and COD as MMO rather than a full fledged FPS with an almost non-existent SP. Unless you play MP, stay as far away from them as possible.


Living to Play
I really consider games like Battlefield and COD as MMO rather than a full fledged FPS with an almost non-existent SP. Unless you play MP, stay as far away from them as possible.

I second this but still for a change of pace from other games they don't hurt much. :)


I am the night...I am...
Oh come on now. A game gives you 600+ bullets with lame AI what would you call that. Heck weapons don't even recoil much you can actually just keep walking while shooting. Is this what I expect from a AAA game ??
Black ops was a lame game and I guess most of our members would agree to that. I don't know what you saw good in that game.

As for me I am a RPG lover and play FPS for a break so not interested in tournaments and all that. Co-op is good for me not online play. I don't have a fast enough net connection and don't havd that much time for games which I don't like too much.

That's what i'm trying to convey. They are your personal opinions. Don't force others to follow. You want more recoil from a gun...fine, play some other shooter.

Why you keep on nagging the same things over and over again? Very easily you said "its a lame game", "AI is lame", then why don't you give some ideas to developers about AI programming? I've never heard people disliking cod's AI in the way you're saying.

You are saying yourself that you are an RPG lover and i personally hate RPG's ( except mass effect series).But that doesn't give me the right to say elder scrolls IV,V or witcher series as bad or lame game. Its not my taste and that's my personal take.

So before saying a game bad because you don't like it , think twice or give some good reasons why you think its bad. You can say maybe it didn't live up to its predecessors or didn't live upto your expectations but directly saying bad for absolutely no reason is a sign of pessimism.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sorry to say, but most "critics" are payola and dumba$$es.

This says it all as far as I'm concerned.

That said, people will continue to buy this game.

Very easily you said "its a lame game", "AI is lame", then why don't you give some ideas to developers about AI programming? I've never heard people disliking cod's AI in the way you're saying.
I'll give one idea. Don't script the AI. :mrgreen:


Living to Play
That's what i'm trying to convey. They are your personal opinions. Don't force others to follow. You want more recoil from a gun...fine, play some other shooter.

Why you keep on nagging the same things over and over again? Very easily you said "its a lame game", "AI is lame", then why don't you give some ideas to developers about AI programming? I've never heard people disliking cod's AI in the way you're saying.

You are saying yourself that you are an RPG lover and i personally hate RPG's ( except mass effect series).But that doesn't give me the right to say elder scrolls IV,V or witcher series as bad or lame game. Its not my taste and that's my personal take.

So before saying a game bad because you don't like it , think twice or give some good reasons why you think its bad. You can say maybe it didn't live up to its predecessors or didn't live upto your expectations but directly saying bad for absolutely no reason is a sign of pessimism.

I never forced my opinion on others. Did I said hey its a lame game don't buy this game. No I didn't. Its your money do whatever you want. I want good AI so I still play FEAR and Vegas 2.

About AI yes I can give some ideas. Make them like FEAR, Rainbow six vegas 2 and similars.

I don't hate FPS at all. Its just that its not my favorite genre either. As for complaining about game see the screenshot from ico. I am not the only one.

I did gave reasons why I didn't liked the game. Do I have to repeat them again.


Hey vickybat, sorry for jumping in, but i feel you are a bit biased. I never said it is a "bad" game, i said its a recycled game. same thing over and over again.
You won't because it runs on the same engine with minor updates. "Why fix something if it ain't broke?" This has been call

of duty's mantra.
Then why try to sell a new game? AC Rev(just saying) has a very deep story that needs to be continued, but cod is a pointless drama.
Don't point out faults. Neither you are a critic nor we are sitting here to count faults. Be optimistic and try to find

the goodness. Nothing is perfect you know. If you are such a worthy player then don't waste time. Go out and seek

challenges in tournaments.
This forum IS for discussions about the game's impression. :O technically we are damn critics!
Why you keep on nagging the same things over and over again? Very easily you said "its a lame game", "AI is lame", then

why don't you give some ideas to developers about AI programming? I've never heard people disliking cod's AI in the way
you're saying.
Seriously now, we have to have knowledge of AI to appreciate a game? xD
And noone's nagging continuously, gameranand did express his opinion. but only once(as far as i can see).
Look good sales chart means fans expect the game to be good, take opinion of others who played the game and then make the

purchase. Tell me a bad game which has sold incredibly? Apparently there are none. Good games only sell well and non of

the call of duty series ( except call of duty 3) are bad. The 3rd version did not sell well due to this very reason.
No. That is not the case. If majority waited for taking opinion and then buy the game, the sales would be pretty low initially. As for the bad game part selling incredibly, you contradict yourself there... you yourself said good and bad are different opinions depending upon he person(that rpg part of ur post), so I say Fallout 3 is bad, boring, glitchy.. but it did sell well. Phew! that said if you think the game is great, no one can take that opinion from you. enjoy.. :)
oh and these lines were definitely not required:
"why don't you give some ideas to developers about AI programming?", "If you are such a worthy player then don't waste time. Go out and seek

challenges in tournaments."


I am the night...I am...
I'll give one idea. Don't script the AI. :mrgreen:

Ha ha ha. Yeah that's one hell of an idea.:grin: Actually i like the dramatic events in cod series. They are pretty unique in my opinion. Even BF3 had them which i really really liked.:)

I never forced my opinion on others. Did I said hey its a lame game don't buy this game. No I didn't. Its your money do whatever you want. I want good AI so I still play FEAR and Vegas 2.

About AI yes I can give some ideas. Make them like FEAR, Rainbow six vegas 2 and similars.

I don't hate FPS at all. Its just that its not my favorite genre either. As for complaining about game see the screenshot from ico. I am not the only one.

I did gave reasons why I didn't liked the game. Do I have to repeat them again.

I really don't give a damn about metacritic scores. Don't get biased towards others decisions. Make your own decisions and follow them. I asked you can you give developers some AI tips?? What did you reply...."make like FEAR, Rainbow six vegas cr@p 2 and similar s"... What kind of a reply is that? Say directly that you know nothing about AI programming and its implementations. Even i don't know a thing.

That's why i don't blabber like you do.

@ Soumik99

I appreciate your comments mate.:) But if we are critics then we must put some valid points. Blindly bashing a game in a pointless manner doesn't make anyone a critic. Critics don't see metacritic scores and comment on a they? They give their own judgment. Ofcourse we need to know about AI behavior in games but not in gameranand's way. Simply saying AI is bad just doesn't cut it. I haven't seen a single reviewer bashing cod's AI part. Like ico said , most of them are scripted because the game is designed like that. But that doesn't mean its bad and not worth playing. In fact mw3's AI is the best in the series.

If you remember, the original modern warfare had a level called "all ghillied up". In that level the protagonist and his companion wore ghilly suits ( camouflage suits) and trespass enemy territory. The setting was Russia's Chernobyl district. Anybody who has played that level will know what cod's AI is. Not at all dumb. It had scripted events but everything was so synced. Heard that MW3's AI is the best in the series yet. So many gamers here in TDF have played the game and everyone was more than satisfied. The only flaw is the short campaign. I'm completely ignoring the multiplayer part here.

I wrote the word "nagging" because this isn't the only thread he said those things.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Cool down Vicky. You give a damn to users who have spent their hard-earned money and feeling cheated, gameranand may be giving his (damn) to the devs. What's wrong with that? And we all gets biased towards other's decisions, aren't we talking BD as a fail? Have we tested one to know personally? Aren't we getting biased towards decisions of numerous reviewers who most probably don't have the proper tools to test BD to its fullest potential?

Cool down, man. You have enjoyed the game, enjoy more and recommend it to others. Someone's not, let him voice his opinion. Why taking it so personally? ;)


i am a gamer. all i care about is my experience. i care about the AI. not AI programming.

this game sucks. NOTHING NEW. 50% people who have bought this game will give it a 4. other 50% battlefield fanboys...will give a 0. result = 2.
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Living to Play
Well yeah I don't know anything about AI programming but then atleast I know that this AI is lame and this is good unlike you. So I gave a comparative view of AI. Some game have really good AI so how its lame to ask developer to make AI comparable to that eh.


I never forced my opinion on others. Did I said hey its a lame game don't buy this game. No I didn't. Its your money do whatever you want. I want good AI so I still play FEAR and Vegas 2.

About AI yes I can give some ideas. Make them like FEAR, Rainbow six vegas 2 and similars.

I don't hate FPS at all. Its just that its not my favorite genre either. As for complaining about game see the screenshot from ico. I am not the only one.

I did gave reasons why I didn't liked the game. Do I have to repeat them again.
play ARMA for AI


Human Spambot
"Lame" AI in a multiplayer heavy game is forgivable.Why not pit your wits against,you know,real human beings if you are up for a challenge?

Call of Duty games have always benefited from well executed scripted events which generally works out well.


Cool down Vicky. You give a damn to users who have spent their hard-earned money and feeling cheated, gameranand may be giving his (damn) to the devs. What's wrong with that? And we all gets biased towards other's decisions, aren't we talking BD as a fail? Have we tested one to know personally? Aren't we getting biased towards decisions of numerous reviewers who most probably don't have the proper tools to test BD to its fullest potential?

Cool down, man. You have enjoyed the game, enjoy more and recommend it to others. Someone's not, let him voice his opinion. Why taking it so personally? ;)

well said .I own the f*ked up game the idiot developers messed this thing up.No servers for multiplayer maps.i want to slap them.


Human Spambot
Cool down Vicky. You give a damn to users who have spent their hard-earned money and feeling cheated, gameranand may be giving his (damn) to the devs. What's wrong with that? And we all gets biased towards other's decisions, aren't we talking BD as a fail? Have we tested one to know personally? Aren't we getting biased towards decisions of numerous reviewers who most probably don't have the proper tools to test BD to its fullest potential?

Cool down, man. You have enjoyed the game, enjoy more and recommend it to others. Someone's not, let him voice his opinion. Why taking it so personally? ;)
Yes, absolutely.
All have right to share his/her opinion :), isn't it?


Living to Play
"Lame" AI in a multiplayer heavy game is forgivable.Why not pit your wits against,you know,real human beings if you are up for a challenge?

Call of Duty games have always benefited from well executed scripted events which generally works out well.

Well it didn't worked for me atleast. Can't comment for others.


In the zone
Hi Guys

Just my opinion. COD is meant to be like the Burnout series. A lot of fun, over the top sequences, and going for a cinematic feel.

BF3 is trying to be the GT5 of FPS, in a more realistic way. I said trying, because imho, BF3 is the most COD Modern Warfare wannabe attempt by DICE in the series. Nothing wrong with that of course.

The point is, games are meant to be fun, which is why a lot of casual gamers pick up COD because it looks easy to play and follow. Meanwhile, gamers who have grown up playing FPS turn their noses down on COD, because the scripted sequences and "throw waves of enemies till you cross an invisible line" seems lazy.

I suspect that those of us who want a return to an awesome FPS will be waiting in eternity. They will all either go the way of COD, or go the way of RPG like Deus Ex and Bioshock.

The graphics look cheap in game, but you have to admit, the character models in the cut scenes are awesomely detailed. While Black Ops made no sense, I got goose bumps wandering around Washington. And MW2 had that unforgettable sequence where you are an astronaut and you watch the ICBMS explode over America.. :D

Of course, there is always Half Life 3 to look forward to :)
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