Battlefield 3 discussion!


Super Moderator
Staff member
weird it says Opera not supported then works fine.

and no in-game server browser? why do I have to join a game server through a web browser? :confused:


Ambassador of Buzz
Hi guys iam in Comrades. Capturing the alba guy. Not sure why it happens all the time. I am not sure the mele combo keys. Its not clear or something.

Here is the thing i am in the station behind him and trying to catch him by counter attacking. Here the screen turns black while fighting no matter wat i do i cant get him kicked. I can see the black turns after the train passes. Any help would be appreciated. Now i am at 11.10. Should i change back to 11.9

My ID Mondenath


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Anyone facing a issue where Origin crashes on login?
I am facing this issue from yesterday evening. Only solution I fond in BF3 forum is to make Origin offline once its loaded. You have to do it quickly before the Chat Panel loads. This is shown in the attached image.

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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
^^ Added in BattleLog, I cant do that in Origin cause of the above stated issue.

BTW if any one added me in Origin, then please add me in BattleLog.


Super Moderator
Staff member
By crash you mean "Origin has stopped working" ??

I am facing that issue now. :|

and yes, your fix works for me. :)


Not able to launch BF3 from the browser. :| Sigh, damn this shite. :|

Origin keeps on crashing. I try to quickly set to "offlline" but the game doesn't start. That stops Origin's crash problem though.

anyhow, the guy responsible for a web-based game launcher deserves to be shot dead.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
By crash you mean "Origin has stopped working" ??

I am facing that issue now. :|

and yes, your fix works for me. :)


Not able to launch BF3 from the browser. :| Sigh, damn this shite. :|

Launch Origin and go offline, then open browser and visit BattleLog Website

This works for me .


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^'s the thing:

1) You Click on BF3 icon.
2) Origin starts up.
3) Fires up your web browser and you get automatically logged into Battlelog.
4) Then you fire up SP, MP or co-op from there.

90% of the time, I am not getting past step 2. I get past step 2 if I follow Charan's fix. And 100% of the time, I the game is not launching from the browser.

I have tried with Firefox and Opera.

Launch Origin and go offline, then open browser and visit BattleLog Website

This works for me .
I am now doing exactly what you said. Will report in a while.

Thanks a lot> :) :) :) It worked.


Cyborg Agent
Can you play online with the no-origin crack that has released for the legit BF3 players? That, is for people who have bought the game but are having issues with Origin.
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