Our friend rhitwick here is so dejected by the ongoing scams and scandals that he has lost faith in people power (democracy).
Please vote next time. And if possible, do not vote for the corrupt. If not successful, try next time and the next time and the next time until you succeed. I believe not all in this country are dishonest. Please be part of anti-corruption organizations NGOs and rallies. If this is not possible be brave enough to wage a war against corruption at personal level. You will definitely see a change. Government does not fear Supreme court that much as they fear common people.
About this "change" thing, I have two motivational stories that I would like to share with you. Kindly bear with me.
First one, maybe heard/read by some of you in newspaper.
"Once I was jogging at the shores of Arabian Sea like every morning when I saw a crazy man who was throwing stones into the sea. I ignored him and ran ahead. When I passed through the same point again, that man was still throwing stones into the sea. But as I could get a clear view of him this time, he was not "looking" crazy. That gave me courage to go closer to him. I realized that he was not throwing stones, but it were star fishes who were stranded on the beach due to high tide and strong waves. That kind gentleman was trying to save the lives of poor creatures. I went a little more closer and asked him why was he doing such futile efforts. It is not gonna save lives of all the millions of star fishes on thousands of beaches around the globe. It is not going to make any change. It does not matter.
That crazy fellow kept throwing the starfishes, and then took a fish, showed it to me, threw it in water and said "it matters to him"
I do not know if the above story was real or just made up to motivate people but this second one happened in front of me.
Not more than a week ago when I was going for work as usual. Alongside outer ring road, there are service roads (a narrow two lane road) for small vehicles like cars, autos and bikes. I am also using that regularly. So one day I am in my car waiting in the queue. Cab drivers and autos as usual who do not care about the civil sense, disregard queues and drive on the wrong side of the road to overtake people in queue. This results in jam at the point where they approach vehicles coming from other side. I found it best just to wait in the queue. But the man behind me in a black Scorpio had enough of this. That person, everytime he saw a cab/auto approaching from wrong direction, got out of his vehicle and stopped those people. I was not surprised to see that as soon as he moved back to his vehicle, those guys went ahead paying no heed to his advice. Few of them tried to run over this gentleman. Few minutes later I saw another person joining the cause and they made a cab move back to join the queue.
To be honest with you guys, I didn't step out of my car but it certainly motivated me to do something when I see things going in wrong direction. I am sure next time such thing happens, I will surely be on road. Whether I am able to stop anyone or not, I am sure it will change few minds like I did.