camera fone under 7k


Broken In
hello everybody
i wanna get a new camera fone (must be minimum 3mp autofocus with gud flash and great video recording) along with 3g under 7k
so after a long hunt i found sony ericcson c510.
question is tat is tis fone gud in terms of java applications support?(like nokia) also does tis fone hav built in pdf reader:?:
can u guys suggest any other fone(released or to be released)that would have a gud autofocus cam ,gud video rec,and 3g also,MUST BE NON TOUCHSCREEN fone. please do reply.
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C510 is a good fone and yes , it does support java ( apps and games)
but also do check out nokia c5 , looks damn good and also have great features .


Grand Master
I wouldnt recommend u C5 coz it have a fixed focus cam...its very difficult to take pics with fixed focus cos a slight movement will blur the pic...

Will check for any other mobile..:smile:


Broken In
@sujoyp u stole words of my mouth.further a fixed focus cam is usless for closeups and macro pics. Else c5 was on the top of my list ,further it has a really tiny flash. Also 6303c and spice m7070 but both lack 3g. So should i go with c510? What is its current price?


Grand Master
Actually C510 is old now...

Cant u increase the budget and get SE Hazel...It have a great 5mp camera..3g HSDPA 7.2 , WIFI and good sound quality


Broken In
@sujoyp: why not.i can increase my budget upto 10k but not for a led flash fone like hazel. By the way how is lg gm360. Though touch screen,but how is its cam?


Grand Master
But anyways u r not getting a xenon flash in any mobile...soo dual led setup is better...and reviews say Hazel have great cam

Dont compare LG with SE for cam and user interface....SE is much better:)


Broken In
Se510,spicem7070,6303c all have a dual led like hazel tat works upto why pay extra for just for a 5mp cam and extra connectivity options tat i wont use ? Even 6700slide is better tan hazel atleast its a smartfone with carl ziess lense and cheap than later.

Oh my bad luck ! C510 is now banned by sony. I saw it in some shop in vile parle just 15days back and now its gone. Now i think only 6700 slide remains as a option.
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Believe Me or Not!!!
Heard you can increase your budget to 10k.
Then check out Sony Ericsson C901.
It has an excelent 5MP with xenon(WOW!!!:-O) and LED flash(for focusing purpose). And yeah 3G.
Price should be around 10k. But i m not sure about price(but there is quite a big chance of that). Sorry for "price" thing :-(:-(


Broken In
Naa, entire cybershot series is now either extinct or is on its verge,no matter of its price tag. All gud fones are now dead. Thinking to postpone my purchase, please enlighten me if tat would be fruitful or not?


Grand Master
Y r U posponing the purchase ??

R u saving for N8 or Moto Milestone Xt720 which have xenon flash with 8/12 mp cam...
Or U r intact on this budget and wait for any new cam mobile..

I think gone r the days when cam was the focus of mobiles...soo I dont see any new Cam focussed mobile soon other than Nokia N8


Grand Master
Ya u r rite. But then what shud i do? Is 6700slide gud ? Can u suggest gud cam models upto 10k?

I read the review of 6700slider and it says the cam quality is good...if u haven't read the reviews yet read here Nokia 6700 slide review: Braving the odds -


Believe Me or Not!!!
Thinking to postpone my purchase, please enlighten me if tat would be fruitful or not?

Its "C" series phone not a "K" series, so it wont be expiring soon.
And may be a phone is on verge of its extinction, A GOOD PHONE IS A GOOD PHONE no matter what.
For example, my old nokia n82 beats the hell out of my brother's samsung wave in still photography.

This phone is providing both the facilities you want- 3G and CAMERA. So, think about it again. If you thinking of buying a new phone with same budget later sometime, this phone will still be one of the best. But its a different thing when you INCREASE YOUR BUDGET.