Tomb Raider: Underworld


At Hell's Disq
ok just converted it to jpg and its down to 530KB.


@Ethan_Hunt i'm not using fraps.i captured using the default Windows PrintScreen and saved thru paint.
Fraps gave a few probs in Windows 7.
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Aspiring Novelist
No idea in that case. FRAPS does it very easily. Even after print screen if you paste it in paint while saving it just select .jpg format. No need for any 3rd party conversion. :D


Aspiring Novelist
Finally completed the game. Loved it. Infact the first Tomb Raider game that I actually liked & stayed throughout to complete the whole game. Might just try it's earlier version which are lying around with me. :)


Dark Overlord !!!
^^ Thats easy.. if you remember the place in the screenshot below (its just after you have finished collecting the gems) which has 2 hidden treasures.... you have to climb up to the ledge pointed by the red arrow and then jump in the direction of blue arrow towards another ledge .. after that it is straightforward !!!!! Disregard the red arrow with the white cross mark.. (it was a mistake)...



Violent serenity.
^^ Thats easy.. if you remember the place in the screenshot below (its just after you have finished collecting the gems) which has 2 hidden treasures.... you have to climb up to the ledge pointed by the red arrow and then jump in the direction of blue arrow towards another ledge .. after that it is straightforward !!!!! Disregard the red arrow with the white cross mark.. (it was a mistake)...


woah man... that was a huge ammount of effort by you. Thanks a lot.


MMO Addict
lol I've found a bug.. Lara won't pick up the Jaguar head once I've synced one Mayan calendar... lol Will try later..


Aspiring Novelist
There are a sh*t load of glitches so better keep multiple saves. Fortunately I didn't run into much but looking at the 360's share of glitches, I always occupied all the 4 save slots.

lol I've found a bug.. Lara won't pick up the Jaguar head once I've synced one Mayan calendar... lol Will try later..
Why do you need to pick up the Jaguar head once it's synced? :confused:

The second Jaguar head is at a different location.


Violent serenity.
My game crashes when I save for the third time in a single session... the game is saved but then it crashes so I have to restart :(. BTW, I got past that part. Thank you guys.


MMO Addict
Yes. Once I've synced first one then I need to pick it up n go to second one. I tried to pick it up but Lara won't. So, I drove like 100 miles then when to other side but the calendar won't move since one of the handles don't have head. Lara says I need to place head on the handle.. But I don't have head.. wtf


Aspiring Novelist
Yes. Once I've synced first one then I need to pick it up n go to second one. I tried to pick it up but Lara won't. So, I drove like 100 miles then when to other side but the calendar won't move since one of the handles don't have head. Lara says I need to place head on the handle.. But I don't have head.. wtf
I'm a bit confused out here Amit. You mean that once you have finished syncing the first calendar, you try to take the same jaguar head & head to the opposite side? If yes then that's wrong. There is another Jaguar head present exactly on the opposite side. Just head off on your bike & explore the whole area & you'll know where the second head will be available. You never detach the same head from the first puzzle.


MMO Addict
hmm.. I just loaded the game n see that another head is missing from middle handle of 2nd calendar.. It's not Jaguar. So, I need to find another head. This map is too big. Think I'm lost.. :p


Aspiring Novelist
Yes that's what I was talking about. The second one is probably not a jaguar head but it looks something like this:


Have you got it?


hell boy
i was stuck like hell in third last level when in last machine room u have to grasp the chains traversing the room but the chains were moving in opposite direction..!!!!then i found the solution after like 2 hours...!!