Won all the 200 titles in Soul Calibur Broken Destiny (quick match mode).
right stick =/= right click
Started Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 graphics is spectacular and cut-scenes are pure HD (never seen any hack &slash game having such crystal clear scenes) seems like the scenes were taken from a 1080p HD Camera
splendid to watch
Boss Fight with Gorgon
^Get the drake sword, its a lifesaver early game
is this game too short....completed in 3 daysCompleted Rage. Too short and the ending could have been way better.
From where?
When you meet the hellkite dragon in the undead burg bridge after the taurus demon, get 30 arrows and a bow, shoot his tail off from the lower section of the bridge.. the sword is VERY VERY powerful earlygame, it can oneshot most enemies u meet..
later on, move to lightning spear which u get in Sen's fortress or lightning utchigatana.. Make a divine claymore also to fight dem skeletons in catacombs or use astora's straight sword if u have good faith rating