Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


I am the master of my Fate.
has anyone tried Resident evil 4 Ultimate HD edition ?
saw some gameplay videos but didn't feel any change over SD to HD

Oh Man there are 300 STAR Labs missions..and I have done 30 only
similar to MK:Komplete Challenge Tower
but I'll complete them for sure


Game & anime Lover
Completed Tomb Raider 2013 with 65% completion.
Last night i downloaded dota 2 via steam,started the game after 2 hours of playing tutorial and with bots still not able to get kills always loosing health.This game is too tough!!


Back to school!!
playing skyrim and installed many mods ;) and a beautiful cinematic ENB
downloading falskaar now
The gamebryo engine is a marvel for modding, checkout some mods for Falloot 3/NV, it looks better that most current gen games.

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Sure sure !!
My backlog:

Hitman Absolution
Battlefield 4
Saints Row 4
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag - 80% completed.
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Freedom Cry
Skyrim Legendary Edition
Batman Arkham Origins
Metro Last Light
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Sleeping Dogs
Lost Planet 3
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - 20% completed
Mass Effect 3 DLC - Most DLCs not completed yet, need a new playthrough.
COD ghosts
Titanfall - Most probably will skip.
Dark Souls 2
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Kerbal Space Program

And some more that I had missed.


Started ME2. imported character from ME1, got lots of goodies.

Disappointed with weapons + customization options compared to ME1. Otherwise interface, gameplay better than ME1


Apart fro Graphics whats so special in D3 which isn't there in TL2 ??

The most important aspect of D3 which isnt there in TL is that you have to "farm" good and powerful equipments.. The drops in TL2 is very very generic, i have had tonnes of gold pieces of gear which are almost equivalent to blue magic gear in D3 in terms of drops...

path of exile on the other hand .. Its a very-true to roots- diablo clone which is F2P also
Also, if you havent played try Divine Divinity, It is hands down one of the best roguelike RPG (not hack and slash like Diablo though)
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Living to Play
The most important aspect of D3 which isnt there in TL is that you have to "farm" good and powerful equipments.. The drops in TL2 is very very generic, i have had tonnes of gold pieces of gear which are almost equivalent to blue magic gear in D3 in terms of drops...

path of exile on the other hand .. Its a very-true to roots- diablo clone which is F2P also
Also, if you havent played try Divine Divinity, It is hands down one of the best roguelike RPG (not hack and slash like Diablo though)

Well as for now, I am loving TL2, in case I get bored, will surely try your suggestions. :D
Thanks for the suggestions. :)


Playing Grid 2 now.
Either I suck at racing games or the new racing games are very difficult.

Forget about winning, I can't get the car to turn correctly without oversteering in this one.

other recent racing games I find Easy, or a good challenge : NFS Shift 2 , NFS Hot Pursuit 2
I find too difficult , that I have to stop playing : NFS Most Wanted 2012, Grid 2


Conversation Architect
Playing Grid 2 now.
Either I suck at racing games or the new racing games are very difficult.

Forget about winning, I can't get the car to turn correctly without oversteering in this one.

other recent racing games I find Easy, or a good challenge : NFS Shift 2 , NFS Hot Pursuit 2
I find too difficult , that I have to stop playing : NFS Most Wanted 2012, Grid 2

Try enabling driver assists.


Long Live Gojira!
The gamebryo engine is a marvel for modding, checkout some mods for Falloot 3/NV, it looks better that most current gen games.

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My backlog:

Hitman Absolution
Battlefield 4
Saints Row 4
Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag - 80% completed.
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Freedom Cry
Skyrim Legendary Edition
Batman Arkham Origins
Metro Last Light
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Sleeping Dogs
Lost Planet 3
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - 20% completed
Mass Effect 3 DLC - Most DLCs not completed yet, need a new playthrough.
COD ghosts
Titanfall - Most probably will skip.
Dark Souls 2
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Kerbal Space Program

And some more that I had missed.

Last Light before everything. Don't EVER miss that game.
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