Free running is gone, with small cluster of houses separated by wide roads, and almost every rooftop being guarded, you'll be forced to the ground in no time, now the fact the guards wield guns means its very difficult to navigate on rooftops as the guards will instantly shoot you down, and in jungle its limited to some trees and not much useful. And by gawd the loadscreens and cutscenes, in AC3 even loadscreens have loadscreens, Start->Loadscreen->Cutscene->Loadscreen->Action->repeat, in a span of 5 mins you have 4 loadcsreen/cutscene with the character walking a few feet around. Gameplay has become way too easy, I can finish the entire game without using a single weapon, that's why weapons have no allure anymore, unlike AC2 where a better sword did make a difference here it'll just look fancy. The enemy variations are too less as well, soldiers and heavies, that's it, nothing else(upto seq 8), in AC2 there were some 4-5 different class of enemies, like runners, papal guards, heavies, brutes etc etc. Game economics have become waay too complicated to even care anymore, not that it matters anyway, you have no use for money, with the self healing healthbar(which is damn stupid), assassins recruit system is a joke and half the time the game AI cannot find the target, the first 8 hrs is a gigantic tutorial, as boring as trying to stay awake in Social Education class, this is a mess in every way, the side missions are cr@p, I could go on and on.