yahoo messenger

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A Year Closer To Heaven
You will have to see if the person you intend to send the sms to is logged in SMS mode. If so, his nick would display "I'm On SMS".

Then you can double click on his nick and a normal chat window will open. Here you will have to type out your message governed by the character limit and then send. Also there is a limit to how many consecutive messages you can send without recieving a reply from the reciever.


no u can send sms's even if the other person doesnt use yahoo at all

heres how:


its the UK yahoo messenger help site, but its the same procedure for us too.

u should hav searched the yahoo help for it, or googled it b4 posting here.


if they reply...2 bucks usually for them

not for recieving

but after u send em 4-5 messages,once in a wile, they get a msg saying ur friend is sending u txt mesages from yahoo. to continue to recieve them, u have to reply

so they are kinda forcing him 2 send an sms and hence, pay to receive ur msgs
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