You guys are forgetting that we load windows as an OS on PCs and then run the PC games on it.
But a console is built ground up to do one thing and one thing only. Game. The OS which i have no idea about doesnt eat up any proc power as much as the Win does.
Also optimisation of games on consoles is much better than for PCs. I still doubt if Crysis 3 will run on my PC but it will on my PS3 if it comes within the time line. [Ok both will look crappy on old harware]
Playing on a console on a 40" screen is always more rewarding than playing on a 15-24" monitor. And a couch to rest you butt on +1 for consoles.
Also it doesnt matter on bit which is slower or faster. Forget the cell proc, forget the gtx580 in your rig. Its about games and how immersive they are. Remeber Wii outsold both xbox and PS when it launched & a few years after that. That darned thing doesnt even have HD. But people dont care. They had more fun waving their hands around than sitting on the couch mashing a few buttons.
PC is good for FPS and strategy. Consoles for everything else.
I own a PS3 and a decent gaming rig [HD 6970]. The sole reason I got the PS3 was to play God of War. The sole reason I got the PC is to play Crysis 2.
Each serve their purpose. If you are a true gamer you ought to buy both. The only reason I have seen people playing solely on the PC is coz its so easy to umm get games on the PC. [Haha you paid 2.5k for Grid, I have it for free on my PC. Seriously I dont care. Thats half the reason why the head of Crysis said: releasing crysis 2 only on the PC platform isnt feasible anymore and that they make more money on the consoles]