xbox 360

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Broken In
Can i also join my keyboard and mouse to surf on net and play games ?

And can any one tell me what is price of xbox 360 which have hdmi port ?

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
The price of Xbox 360 with HDMI port is same as the normal one's . It's just that the HDMI port 360's are newer models and it's on your luck whether you get the older or the newer model .

The Xbbox 360 Core with 2 Free Games costs Rs 14990


Broken In
if u asking whether you can connect your mouse and keyboard to xbox360, then NO. you cannot do that.
Xbox360 comes in 3 flavor arcade,normal,elite. all have hdmi port for that extra pleasure.check out the following link.



Broken In
what is price of Xbox 360 Elite ?

i think we can join check this out

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Broken In
if you can attach a usb keyboard, y cant u attach usb mouse? there is no usb connector in xbox360. i dont get one thing...y do u want to attach keyboard if u getting wireless joystick with the console! anyway know one thing xbox360 is only meant to play games and not surf net. u can play ur hd-dvd as it has hd-dvd drive.


If you need a Mouse and KB , then be patient. It is very likely that the Xbox 360 will eventually obtain support for those.

Else, get the PS3 now. It supports Mouse and KB.
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