Writing to /mnt folder

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I recently uninstalled Windows and converted totally to Mandriva Linux 2007. I have some data in my NTFS drives which I have mounted in /mnt directory as win_c, win_d, etc. I can read these drives, since I have mounted them, but even as root user, I can't write to them. Please tell me how I can write to the mounted NTFS drives.


18 Till I Die............
install ntfs-3g. By default linux doesn't have write support. Some newer kernels do have write support but it's not so great. So, you will have to rely on some such tool for now.


Wise Old Owl
mehulved said:
install ntfs-3g. By default linux doesn't have write support. Some newer kernels do have write support but it's not so great. So, you will have to rely on some such tool for now.
Not even kernel (the latest. updated yesterday).


In the zone
I am not a Linux experts, may be this can do the job for you :
- *wiki.linux-ntfs.org.nyud.net:8080/doku.php?id=ntfsmount


Commander in Chief
I haven't used your particular distro but you can run this ..

urpmq -i ntfs-3g

It'd install the necessary NTFS 3G and then on you can just mount using the command ..

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdx /mnt/win_x

And bonus .. If your Windows drives automount .. Go to your /etc/fstab file and change any ntfs to ntfs-3g.

[Better not mess with what you don't completely know of, fstab, but sure check it!]
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