Windows Vista SP1 RC1 Released for Public

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Noobie Pro
Windows Vista SP1 RC1 has been released for public through Windows Update. All you have to do is run the included CMD file with elevated priviliges.

After that, run Windows Update, before you get to download Windows Update, you will first have to download 2 3 pre requisites and reboot your PC.

Read the included XPS document for more details.

Install Windows Vista SP1 RC through Windows Update!

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC is available through Windows Update. Experience the WU based Vista SP1 installation by following 4 simple steps.

Windows Vista SP1 RC distributed through Windows Update will be applicable to Windows Vista machines that are running on any of the 36 languages supported by Vista RTM.

If you already installed the Service Pack to your machine by using the standalone package, you must uninstall before you scan Windows Update for Windows Vista SP1.

Systems running on Windows Vista RTM require as many as three updates before SP1 can be installed. These updates are permanent to your Windows Vista systems. Windows Update will detect your system configuration and offer the prerequisite packages that are applicable to your system. For details, please see the instructions below.

Here are 4 simple steps to get SP1 on your machine.

On Vista RTM:

1. Download the command (.cmd.remove) script to your machine, rename it by removing deleting ".remove" at the end of the file name. Run the newly named script on an elevated prompt.
• To run the script on elevated prompt, after you download the script, right click on the file and select “Run as administrator” option.
• The script sets a registry key on your system. The registry key is required for WU server to recognize your machine as a valid target for Vista SP1.
• After running the script, Windows Update automatic updates would normally automatically update your machine each night for the next several days with the prerequisites and then offer the Service Pack. However if you would like to install SP1 quicker you can manually do the next few steps to speed up the process.

2. Install all pending “Important” updates and reboot. You may have to do this several times to get fully up to date.
• Check for updates on Windows Update. Go to Control Panel à System and Maintenance à Windows Update and check for updates by clicking on “Check for Updates” in the top left of the task pane.
• You will be offered all previously released Windows Vista updates that you may not have installed on your system. Install all applicable updates. If you have a clean install of RTM, there might be quite a few updates to install. You may need to do this a couple of times to get fully up to date. At some point Update for Windows (KB935509) will be in this list. This is the first pre-requisite install. Reboot your machine when prompted.
• If you see Ultimate Extras, you can hide them by right-clicking and hiding. Simply unchecking them will not let the remaining updates show up. Please install all of the remaining “important” updates.
• If you reboot and rescan right away, at times you may not see all updates right away. Wait 10 minutes and scan again.

3. Install Update for Windows (KB937287) and Update for Windows (KB938371) as they are offered sequentially
• The first package that will be offered is Update for Windows (KB937287) and it does not require a reboot.
• Check for updates on Windows Update again, install and reboot when prompted for Update for Windows (KB938371). You may need to wait 10 minutes and re-scan again if it does not show up right after reboot.

4. Install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (KB936330).
• Check for updates on Windows Update again, install and reboot when prompted for Windows Vista Service Pack 1. You may need to wait 10 minutes and re-scan again if the package does not show up right after the previous reboot.
• This process will typically take from 30 minutes to 1 hour but may take longer on some systems.

To reduce the number of reboots required to install Windows Vista Service Pack 1, the prerequisite packages will be released to Windows Vista customers through WU prior to the release of Windows Vista Service Pack 1. These prerequisite packages will be coupled with other updates that are applicable to Windows Vista RTM systems and require a reboot. Consequently, the systems that are getting updates through automatic updates will already have prerequisites installed at the time of the SP1 release and be directly offered SP1 through WU.
Source - Microsoft Download


I think the standalone package is here


You gave been GXified
NucleusKore said:
I think the standalone package is here

That's for the whole 36 language files, since most of the people are using english version, here is the 5 language package which is 100 MB smaller then the above mentioned package..

* 436 MB
^^Yes it has a time bomb for June 30, 2008.

Installed it today, Certainly a pain in th A**, if you have a slow 128KBPS connection like me. Installation size was around 75.9 MB for me. Installation gone fine untill reboot then, it crashed. It happened during the time when system is going to reboot and there is a 3 phase installation routine working. Somebody who has installed it can tell. In the second phase it crashed at 7% and Windows didn't start. Even the DVD was not booting, just loading upto 100% and then Swoosh! Used a linux live cd. It also didn't booted for first time but fsck ran and then it started, but hanged. Again tried Vista, this time it booted and completed the setup. Took 5 long hours from downloading to setup.
But the initial pain was not worthless. i haven't noticed any bootup performance increase but on using the /SOS switch in the bootloader, i noticed that the volmgr.sys file now takes no time to load. Instead the file that takes longest time to load was pci.sys.Earlier it was the former one. Well anyways, booting is same story for me.

But UI responsiveness has massively increased on my lappy. There are less nag screens and performance in file copying and networking in general has improved greatly, it shows. Thats all i had been able to find out in my 2 hours with Vista SP1. Will post more if i found anything else. :)


to say the truth i aint satisfied with SP1 RC1 and with Vista as a whole.RC1 doesnt give any significant boost in gaming performance.i was happy with Vista till these latset games started to run slow in Vista (as compared to XP). so i'm seriously thinking bout reverting back to XP SP3 RC1.


SP1 sucks.. lol ! i am saying that.. but its true.. ! i hated it.. first of all it gives you that watermark! and the timebomb..
i wont say It Sucks actually. But ya, its installation sucks! And the time bomb is there so that you don't forget to update to production level code later. BTW after installing sp1(with that crash at installation time) my hdd has filled around 2 GB. I thinks there may be some temp files. Can anybody tell me which files i can delete to regain my space?
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gx_saurav said:
That's for the whole 36 language files, since most of the people are using english version, here is the 5 language package which is 100 MB smaller then the above mentioned package..

* 436 MB

Thank you


i aint complaining ! i dont like it :X , i know ho it can be removed.. but its time bomb.. and i felt bad coz i am using a genuine version and i dont like it to be called EVALUATION .. :)


did you try : disk clean up.. or just clear your TEMP folder.. C:/user/your name / temp.. and c:/windows/temp/

and also a temp folder named : 337f41af603eb0139223349d
b492a4aa723465d983b1666aa0 or something like this ..

yeah i meant that : charan
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Noobie Pro
shantanu said:
i aint complaining ! i dont like it :X , i know ho it can be removed.. but its time bomb.. and i felt bad coz i am using a genuine version and i dont like it to be called EVALUATION .. :)

They kept the time bomb on RC1 build so that you dont go on using the RC1 build only! They just want you to test it and when the final and better version is released, there is no reason you should continue to keep using this release!

I am not able to download it using WU!! After 13%, the download gets stuck and wont move on!


^^^ the same thing happened to me.stayed that way for a full day.i was able to complete the dl 2day morning.b4 that it was giving an error code like 8009024.

i'll suggest u not to dl just aint worth the time, and bandwidth.

i'll suggest u not to dl just aint worth the time, and bandwidth.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Umm actually why do you guys use Beta or RC's? after all you will be installing the final version na... I dont install Betas or RC's cause its just a waste of bandwidth and time for me .. Unless you are a tester or really need that update .. I dont see a reason to install this :| . this is just my opinion
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