Windows Vista Recovery Disc Download

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The Devil's Advocate
If you're like most PC users, you probably got Windows Vista with a new PC or laptop. And if you're like 99% of the population, you get your new machines from one of the major manufacturers. Dell, Acer, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, they all have one thing in common: they don't give you a real Windows Vista installation disc with your purchase. Instead, they bundle what they call a "recovery disc" (that's if you're lucky - otherwise you'll have a recovery partition instead) with your machine and leave it at that.

Microsoft seems to have realized this problem, and have thankfully made a recovery disc for this purpose. It contains the contents of the Windows Vista DVD's "recovery center," as we've come to refer to it. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista, and just serves as a Windows PE interface to recovering your PC. Technically, one could re-create this installation media with freely-downloadable media from Microsoft (namely the Microsoft WAIK kit, a multi-gigabyte download); but it's damn-decent of Microsoft to make this available to Windows' users who might not be capable of creating such a thing on their own.

Download Windows Vista Recovery Disc (120 MiB)



Sweet news for Vista users...*** for the news and link


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
I got two pressed Vista Any Time Upgrade DVD's from the US , $5 each. :D .. I can use it to clean install it Vista on my laptop. Any way this is a boon for Vista users who dont have recovery DVD's bundled with their PC/Laptops.


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
P.s my vista was automatically turned to reduced function mode a week ago..and some how managed to bring it back on track..but it gave me a sh!t...
Ya i am using a pirated one..


Wise Old Owl
seems its the portable edition-

also -


You gave been GXified
I got WAIK from the Technet DVDs. shouldn't be hard to make a recovery CD with Vista PE along with some File explorer like Bart PE. Let's see, will try this might be able to bundle portable apps like Pidgin Portable etc too


mera kutch nahi ho sakta
they don't give you a real Windows Vista installation disc with your purchase.
for those that do have the vista anytime upgrade disc,the disc can be used as a recovery disk . No need to make a recovery/startup disc
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