windows 8.1 update 1 problems


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hi guys
i was udating today my copy of windows 8.1 to update 1 which was released yesterday but the problem that came up was it gave an error on 99% saying that failed in configuring updates after one or two tries it again gave the same error but when my system booted i saw that it has been updated to 8.1 update 1 but successfuly updated message wasnt shown.
now when i am going to windows update screen it is still showing the windows 8.1 update 1 update although its already there on my computer which is of approx size 887.1 mb.

any suggestions please help.

my system is dell xps l502x with core i5 second generation,6 gb of ram,nvidia 540m and realtek hd audio .
this system came with windows 7 but i have installed a fresh copy of windows update 8.1 pro .
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