Win XP SP3 release Date Postponed

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A bad news to all the tech guys awaiting for win xp SP3 on march 24th .
The release date of SP3 ha been pushed to second week of April. Idi not understand the intention of microsoft for doing all this things.

Moroover one more long and annoying wait of all the guys....................................................................................................



Thank god they said 2nd week of April and not 1st day of April. That would have been fun.

Nopes, Its still there:|

I think you should better do a format reinstall. Try running some English language system info tool and download drivers from any of lenovo's sites.And forget the other utilities. Considering that there is nothing much that can be done.

Alternatively you can learn Mandarin Chinese but keep in mind that it is one of the hardest languages to learn:)
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