I Don't really believe in min. Game requirements.As I have..
P4 3.06 GHz
ATI 128 Mb IGP.
Windows 7(was Vista for the past two years)..
Inspite of having a normal Config. I completed GRAW, UT2008, COD MW, COD 5, NFS Undercover, Halo 2, Fallout 3(at low settings), Bioshock at medium settings...

Now the prob. is I want to play Farcry 2, COD MW2, Assasins Creed2 and i'm dead sure they won't run on this config.

So,The Question is will 8600GT solve my prob..i know it did for my friend bt he has a C2D 2.4Ghz and he has played Crysis, Assasins Creed, GTA IV at max settings..

BTW my PSU is 250W..

Also Suggest me a few hardware upgrades if the answer to my query is no..