Is there any point of having this forum when we can find almost 90% of the answers with
Forums give a personalised response with the experience of members on the game speaking. Every game comes with min requirements written on the box, why even bother to go to that site in the first place?
actually SRL defines 3 zones: A below min.; B between min. and max.; C above max.
it dynamically checks ur system and tells u where ur system falls

different from min requirements printed on boxes
in any case guys if ur a downloader look for non-reg file based games [full rips] on torrents

they're great coz they're there even if u re0install ur OS

no reinsallation needed

i wish even applications were registry independent

Posted again:
totally agree with vamsi and topgear

Posted again:
hey do u know if i can run ps2 games on pc with nice frame rate?
if so then which ones should i bother downloading?
8800gt, athlon 64x2 2.8ghz, 2gb 667mhz ram, pcsx2 emulator