Will this game run on this configuration?


My friend has the following configuration:
Processor: INTEL core i3-530 @2.93GHz
Graphics Card: ZOTAC Ge-force 560GTX Ti AMP Edition
Moniter: SAMSUNG B2230

Question: Will Assassin's Creed Revelations work at a resolution of 1920x1080. If not then how much high resolution can it work upto without any problem.

your friend can enjoy 90% games on full settings :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
I don't think it's 10% to be exact - the only game i can think about is Metro 2033 and may be Skyrim/Crysis 2 with HD pack but the cpu Pratz993s friend has is not very powerful for some games.


Living to Play
My friend has the following configuration:
Processor: INTEL core i3-530 @2.93GHz
Graphics Card: ZOTAC Ge-force 560GTX Ti AMP Edition
Moniter: SAMSUNG B2230

Question: Will Assassin's Creed Revelations work at a resolution of 1920x1080. If not then how much high resolution can it work upto without any problem.

All games would run fine on this config. Although the CPU is not powerful so CPU intensive games might give some hiccups.


@topgear..hm..actually i think you should have quoted crysis / crysis warhead in place of crysis 2. These two are much more Cpu intensive than crysis 2.


Living to Play
@topgear..hm..actually i think you should have quoted crysis / crysis warhead in place of crysis 2. These two are much more Cpu intensive than crysis 2.

Crysis 2 with HT pack will also bring the greatest to their knees. Yes Crysis/warhead are also very hungry.


^nothing comes close tothe benchmarks of crysis / crysis warhead even with dx11 patch and hd texture packs.....


lol i was also talking bout that dx11 patch and texture pack....black fire mob v2 is far better than that...


Super Moderator
Staff member
^nothing comes close tothe benchmarks of crysis / crysis warhead even with dx11 patch and hd texture packs.....


@topgear..hm..actually i think you should have quoted crysis / crysis warhead in place of crysis 2. These two are much more Cpu intensive than crysis 2.

Most of the people like to get the latest game first in a particular series and in last couple of months I've played and benchmarked a lot with Crysis 2 - so that name came to my mind first ;-)


Living to Play

Most of the people like to get the latest game first in a particular series and in last couple of months I've played and benchmarked a lot with Crysis 2 - so that name came to my mind first ;-)

I don't. I still prefer crysis over crysis 2 for its graphics and settings.


Living to Play
Yeah its a subjective matter. I donno when C2 released then I hated the game so much that I ignored the goodness in it.


Legend Never Ends
Royal_Tarun said:
Will Cyrsis 1/2/Warhead run on Pentium Dual Core 2.9Ghz, 2GB Memory, nVidia GForce 8400GS ?
Not Crysis 2. It needs 8800 atleast.
Crysis Warhead and Crysis 1 should run as 8400 meets the minimum requirements :wink:
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