I don't think gaming is a waste of time and if one can maintain a healthy balance between gaming and studying and every other necessary works then playing video games is a blessing IMO 
^^ yep, I can understand this very well
the money you spent on the gfx card is not a waste by any means - it will come handy in future for sure . As of now try latest games with minimal resolution and gfx setting possible and see if you can get playable fps.
BTW, can you tell what's the manufacturer and model name/no of your mobo ?? You can use a app called CPU-Z to know about this.

****NOW I CANT PLAY MODERN GAMES AND I WASTED DUMB 6000rs ON THAT CARD!you know....a poor high school student who has to beg everything he needs from his father
^^ yep, I can understand this very well

the money you spent on the gfx card is not a waste by any means - it will come handy in future for sure . As of now try latest games with minimal resolution and gfx setting possible and see if you can get playable fps.
BTW, can you tell what's the manufacturer and model name/no of your mobo ?? You can use a app called CPU-Z to know about this.