Will the Earth.........?

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hi guys..

We know that, Scientists have estimated the approximatate mass of earth.

Do u think the mass of the earth increase or decrease with respect to time and other changes on the surface of earth as well as below the surface?

This is a mind tackling question that i came across.


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Staff member
The earth doesn't eat and grow its mass. Neither does it excrete and lose mass. Everything on the earth remains on the earth, except for satallites. So, the mass will more or less be the same.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
Mass of the earth increases , particles and meteros entering the earth are adding to the wait of earth each day.Even though the wait added each day is significant figure for us , it is only small percentage for earth as a whole and is not a matter of concern .

Changes in the earth surface and movements in earth crust hav no effect in earth mass.
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