Why Windows Vista will suck

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Windows is my secondary OS! Xp has been doing a very good job for the last 1.5 yrs...I rarely encounter any blue screen......but lets hope vista's frequency of blue screens reduces further and startuptime also reduces!
Any further improvement in vista will definately surprise me!


Wise Old Owl
Ahhh a minor slip-up on my side - I somehow forgot that Linux distros let you choose not to install certain applications. My bad.

@GNU: I do understand AntiTrust. I was just saying that I personally don't care about what MS bundles with its OS as I can easily choose to ignore anything I don't like. Do you think it will help if people could be educated about options available to them? I mean most people don't realize the security risks associated with IE and only switch to other browsers when they are actually affected by spyware.


In the zone
naveenchandran said:
knight17 said:
About security it is because of the popularity of thier software.

lol What I can infer from your reply is the more popular the software is the less secure it "will" be... :roll:

May I explain what I thought.
Everyone claimed Opensource software will remain bug free due to immense support from the commmunity.
Have you heard the news that Firefox has more security vulnerability that IE.Just search for that you will know what i meant
When FF become popular the bad guys targeted it.Same is the case of Windows also
No i dont meant more popular software are less secure but they will be targeted more.I hope you got what I meant. :arrow: :?: :!:
You should also remeber that windows is popular among home users,and finding holes in such software will return the bad guys maximum result for what they are doing. :arrow:


In the zone
My opinion

The truth is that very, very few people are going to be upgrading their existing systems to Vista. To make it work well, you're really going to need a new computer. If you didn't buy your PC in 2006, I wouldn't even try to run Vista on it.

Windows Vista will also have an option to run in a minimum mode [for PCs having less hardware horsepower] I heard that it is like the windows classic theme, but I think that the one, which ships with Vista, might be much better. Problem Solved.
No matter what Microsoft ends up charging for it, the only way most people are likely to be running it is when they get a new PC.

I do not know what the author really meant. If he is talking in a sense about the hardware required for running Vista, In my opinion he is mistaken, As told earlier there will be options for running vista on underpowered machines too. The release date of Vista is also giving customer’s time for upgrading their Computers t run windows Vista.

What they do not mention is that Linux and Mac OS X have both done that kind of thing well for years. They also do not mention that for an application to actually get the most from these improvements, it will need to be rewritten. So, if you want to get the most from Vista, be sure to set some money aside for new applications as well as a new PC. You'll need it.

Yes, Linux and MAC OS X may have that for years but Microsoft knows how to reach the technology to the masses. Why they don’t manage to gain popularity with their innovations?
Many say that GUI was first used by Apple and Microsoft copied them. However, may I ask them do Microsoft rob their source code, I think they have done that in a legal way. The memory management issue is also the same, they might have made it into practice[Like Apple did for GUI] but Microsoft is really going to gain from this due to the wide popularity and acceptance of Windows

You see, with SuperFetch you can a USB 2.0-based flash drive as a fetch buffer between your RAM and your hard disk. Let me spell that out for you. Vista will put part of your running application on a device that can be kicked off, knocked out, or that your dog can carry away as a chew toy. Do you see the problem here? Me too!

I haven't thought about my dog carrying my USB drive away. It is only a possibility[SuperFetch],If you are not going to use that you are not losing any thing.

Next up, they say wonderful things about Home Premium Vista having Media Center capability being built into it. Maybe I'm just a little confused here, but after looking at the feature sets, the only thing I see that's changed here is that they'll be calling the next media-enabled Windows "Home Premium Vista" instead of "Media Center Vista."

I think he is right but don’t know much more about it.

They also praise this version for having Cable Card support, with the result that you'll be able to record HD (high definition broadcasts) from cable instead of being stuck with OTA (over the air) HDTV, without turning your entertainment room into an electronics lab.

Excuse me, but that's not because Microsoft is being innovative. It's because they are still not shipping Cable Card cards for PCs. Come the day they finally ship -- and I'm betting the ATI OCCUR makes it out first -- I suspect Myth TV and the other open-source PVR (personal video recorder) projects will be right there.

Microsoft need not ship CableCard cards but the hardware vendors will,Like Media center PCs having TVTuner cards if the custmer is willing to pay the Hardware vendor they will get that.

Here again, I'll give the Microsoft guys come credit. DirecX10 is a big improvement for the gamers. It's still not going to make your PC the equal of a dedicated game console, however

Yes, a PC is not equal to a console.Because it is not exclusively meant for gaming.
However, there are numerous things a PC can do and a console can't

The folks from ExtremeTech also like the fact that Vista will have many more built-in applications. Isn't this why Microsoft got into trouble with the Department of Justice a while back? Isn't this the kind of thing that has both South Korea and the European Union raking them over the coals? Why, yes. Yes, it is.

Good for the users wjo are using windows,about the legal problems thats none of our business.If the court asks Microsoft has to answer not us.

Be that as it may, as I sit here looking at my SUSE 10 Linux desktop, I can't help but notice that I have, for free, every software application I could ever want. Advantage: Linux.

At the end of the story, the ExtremeTech crew 'fesses up that "We don't know that it's going to be great just yet." True. And, I don't know that it's going to suck yet, either.

Expensive? Yes. Awful? We'll see. What I do know, is that I really don't see a thing, not one single thing, that will make the still undelivered Vista significantly better than the Linux or the Mac OS X desktops I have in front of me today.
I agree about the free applications,many are available for Windows too.but you must notice that if a little effort is taken most of them can be transported for windows as they are open.

You are talking about you only, not about the millions out there who are not technically sound,and dosent have time to learn zillions of commands.

Open Source Supporters please forgive me if i have said anything wrong,If you notice anything wrong in my statements please PM me.




FooBar Guy
Re: My opinion

knight17 said:
However, may I ask them do Microsoft rob their source code, I think they have done that in a legal way.
Legal? If it were legal in any sense, then what were the various lawyers all around EU, and from IBM, Apple doing? Were they foolish enough to sue M$ for nothing?

knight17 said:
The memory management issue is also the same, they might have made it into practice[Like Apple did for GUI] but Microsoft is really going to gain from this due to the wide popularity and acceptance of Windows
The popularity and acceptance of Windows is a cr@p lame excuse. M$ threatens OEM vendours with dire consequences and forcefully creates a market.. This is the truth behind acceptance you are seeing now.


In the zone
Re: My opinion

knight17 wrote:
However, may I ask them do Microsoft rob their source code, I think they have done that in a legal way.

Legal? If it were legal in any sense, then what were the various lawyers all around EU, and from IBM, Apple doing? Were they foolish enough to sue M$ for nothing?

As far as i know there is no law suits aganisy M$ for robbing code.
I dont know if i am correct.If not plz forgive me and correct me


El mooooo
it_waaznt_me said:
SuperFetch is about IO fetch. Google for Read Ahead optimization and you will know what I am talking about.
Sorry I completely forgot about this discussion.
IO fetch? IO fetch to where man? What are you talking about? SuperFetch is just fetching (caching) files to a place that it thinks can be used as a temporary storage system. Talking in Linux terms, add additional SWAP or use the existing one by anticipating your usage. What are you intending to say here? :?


El mooooo
Re: My opinion

knight17 said:
Windows Vista will also have an option to run in a minimum mode [for PCs having less hardware horsepower] I heard that it is like the windows classic theme, but I think that the one, which ships with Vista, might be much better. Problem Solved.
Absolutely!!! So I should pay them hundreds of dollars (or thousands of rupees) so that I can use a crippled OS? Problem solved 100%

Yes, Linux and MAC OS X may have that for years but Microsoft knows how to reach the technology to the masses. Why they don’t manage to gain popularity with their innovations?
...because they don't use evil methods of business. They don't force OEM vendors to bundle their OS on systems. They don't patent technologies (even if they didn't invent them) and then force the competition out of business by suing them. Have you looked at the details of the latest AJAX patent? If you haven't, then you should...

Good for the users wjo are using windows,about the legal problems thats none of our business.If the court asks Microsoft has to answer not us.
If you don't care about these legal issues right now, then I am sure you will care when there is no competition left and MS will force you to pay through your nose.


Re: My opinion

knight17 said:
The truth is that very, very few people are going to be upgrading their existing systems to Vista. To make it work well, you're really going to need a new computer. If you didn't buy your PC in 2006, I wouldn't even try to run Vista on it.

Windows Vista will also have an option to run in a minimum mode [for PCs having less hardware horsepower] I heard that it is like the windows classic theme, but I think that the one, which ships with Vista, might be much better. Problem Solved.

I have something to say on this one as many people have been saying Vista is in news and all speculations rather than being a microsoft product is its GUI. If you get Vista and use it with windows classic theme what is actually its use then except you get some softwares. Here all those people who want Eye candy would have preoblem. And in India all want Eye Candy regardless what the hell is inside the OS or whatever is bundled with it.(I am not talking about use but many people who will try to install it even after knowing it has high requirements)


El mooooo
Re: My opinion

kato said:
I have something to say on this one as many people have been saying Vista is in news and all speculations rather than being a microsoft product is its GUI. If you get Vista and use it with windows classic theme what is actually its use then except you get some softwares. Here all those people who want Eye candy would have preoblem. And in India all want Eye Candy regardless what the hell is inside the OS or whatever is bundled with it.(I am not talking about use but many people who will try to install it even after knowing it has high requirements)
Its not just about the Eye Candy yaar. Its about all the additional BS injects MS in its OS so that more and more people upgrade their hardware which in turn leads to more hardware sales. More hardware sales = hardware manufacturers happy = better support = well you get the picture.
Just tell me, how many pages of tweak guides do you follow after doing a fresh XP Pro install? It has to be at least 15 pages; which might involve editing registry, turning off services and what not.


left this forum longback
@tleast hardware ventors start giving Linux drivers.the case is miserable in case of some NIC's.wifi network cards are even more miserable,they have to go for ndiswrapper which uses windows drivers!.why they dont bundle drivers for linux @tleast in tar.gz form..may be M$ is forcing them :roll:


@eddie actually i have never even read one of those tweak guides you might be thinking then why do I even use XP but I cosider it as waste of time editing something which is inevitably going to crash in a month or two. I am just nearly fed up with Windows and I am looking for alternatives(Yes! Linux) but the thing is I am waiting for a new hard disk so I can shift Windows to it and install Linux on present hard disk. The thing is I am not even going to think of installing VIsta as i have a low config but the thing is i might try it out of curiosity causing my computer to die out. As I dont play games major upgrades are not required for my PC and I am in no way going to upgrade just for a OS


Completely agree with @Kato...why to upgrade just for an OS?....They should make things that run fast enough on all PCs. PCs configuration i.e speed, RAM increase every year dramatically...but then again installing latest windows,MS products leaves no difference! and then we think of upgrading again!


In the zone
Re: My opinion

Absolutely!!! So I should pay them hundreds of dollars (or thousands of rupees) so that I can use a crippled OS? Problem solved 100%

Why you should buy Vista if you dont have the requried hardware for running Vista?
I dont meant a different version but a mode that can be enabled from inside the OS,This will be helpful for who wish to upgrade the system immediatly.So is it is not a crippled version is it ?

...because they don't use evil methods of business. They don't force OEM vendors to bundle their OS on systems. They don't patent technologies (even if they didn't invent them) and then force the competition out of business by suing them. Have you looked at the details of the latest AJAX patent? If you haven't, then you should...

Agree with you.Microsoft has some evil ways but look that is common in business isn't it?


El mooooo
Re: My opinion

knight17 said:
Why you should buy Vista if you dont have the requried hardware for running Vista?
I dont meant a different version but a mode that can be enabled from inside the OS,This will be helpful for who wish to upgrade the system immediatly.So is it is not a crippled version is it ?
lol!!! I think I should show what you wrote once again while commenting on the article.

The truth is that very, very few people are going to be upgrading their existing systems to Vista. To make it work well, you're really going to need a new computer. If you didn't buy your PC in 2006, I wouldn't even try to run Vista on it.
Windows Vista will also have an option to run in a minimum mode [for PCs having less hardware horsepower] I heard that it is like the windows classic theme, but I think that the one, which ships with Vista, might be much better. Problem Solved.

No matter what Microsoft ends up charging for it, the only way most people are likely to be running it is when they get a new PC.
I do not know what the author really meant. If he is talking in a sense about the hardware required for running Vista, In my opinion he is mistaken, As told earlier there will be options for running vista on underpowered machines too. The release date of Vista is also giving customer’s time for upgrading their Computers t run windows Vista.
First you were commenting against the article and saying that people with not enough hardware will upgrade to Vista and use the "classic theme" option while now you are saying that if they don't have the hardware, they should not use Vista? First you were against the author and telling us that the hardware problem is solved and now you are agreeing with him? :?

Also OS is not all about looks. There are base services and extra stuff (not GUI related) that is added in Windows with every new version. All these things require hardware and if one can't use those things then why would anyone upgrade their system "immediately"? The only people I can think of doing such thing are those who will be using pirated versions. No one in his right senses will pay to use a crippled OS just cos it has a fancy name.

Agree with you.Microsoft has some evil ways but look that is common in business isn't it?
It is common business? Ever thought that if your dad was doing some small business and a big businessman forced him out of it cos of false cases, then what will happen? If you see your family struggling to meet their basic needs cos of that one man...will you say the same thing at that time as well? I wonder...

Satissh S

Truth Happens... Read the below fully, and u'll find M$'s true colour..

When M$ does the Bull Sh1t! - The halloween documents..


In the zone
It was a mistake

Why should you say a fully functional OS as crippled only because you dont have the right hardware.

Actually I dont meant those dont have right hardware not to use Vista.But at that moment I said so without thinking.
I apologize for that.
I said in the view that you critisized it as "crippled" coz you dont have the right hardware.

I said so because you asked why you need to buy spending hundreds of dollars for a crippled OS.The OS is not crippled but its functionality will be based on the hardware you have.
And if you wish to upgrade you can view vista in all its glory.
You don’t have the required hardware and criticizing it as crippled. Those who are
Going for an upgrade soon will benefit from this.

Yes about M$ is evil,yes i agree to an extent.

Finally I know why there is so much confusion,I think is due to my writing style I will try to make things clearer from now.
Once again i apologize for the mistake made and confusion made


El mooooo
Re: It was a mistake

knight17 said:
Why should you say a fully functional OS as crippled only because you dont have the right hardware.
I should say it as crippled because that is what it becomes when I am not using its full features. Just don't use these fonts on me...there are bigger available.

I said so because you asked why you need to buy spending hundreds of dollars for a crippled OS.The OS is not crippled but its functionality will be based on the hardware you have.
And if you wish to upgrade you can view vista in all its glory.
So what did the author of the original article say? He said exactly the same thing that someone will install Vista only if he is upgrading his hardware. Why were you disagreeing then? What was the point of that specific part of your post?

You don’t have the required hardware and criticizing it as crippled.
No!!! I am saying that if I don't have the hardware then why should I use it in some compatibility mode? It just makes it crippled and why should I pay for it?

Finally I know why there is so much confusion,I think is due to my writing style I will try to make things clearer from now.
May be. Anyways, I think this discussion is not going anywhere. We both are repeating ourselves and it is not making any sense now so I will be dropping out of here now.


In the zone
So what did the author of the original article say? He said exactly the same thing that someone will install Vista only if he is upgrading his hardware. Why were you disagreeing then? What was the point of that specific part of your post?

I think he told in such a manner that windows vista wont be loaded on underpowerd machines.But as i have said you only have to sacrifice visual appeals of the OS if you are using a slow system.
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