Why the PS3 may not make it big....

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Evil Genius
I reckon the PS3 has more than a fair chance. You are forgetting some of the exclusive game franchises on the PS3 such as the Final Fantasy Series (FFXIII is confirmed) which is a HUGE seller.

You also have the Tekken series which is PS exclusive and is a BIG seller, especially among competitive players such as myself. Also, the XBOX 360 is definitely having a stronger showing this time round because of earlier launch and all that...but I think between XBOX 360 and PS3, it will be an even playing field, rather than one completely dominating the other...


The Devil's Advocate
^^ both can survive side by side .... with xbox 360 for those with price constraints and ps3 for hardcore sony fans


Aspiring Novelist
Actually I want to see how the free internet service of Sony turns out in practical scenario.If it is as good as MS (If not better) then it would definetly give MS a big blow for the subscription fees charged for XBox Live.Summing this all up into one console makes Sony a real powerhouse.Resistance would now be a title which everyone should look out for but still I am more impressed with the visuals of Gears Of War.Sony this time round had lost some exclusive lists but dosen't matter it still has pretty more left up to gather audiences.Much like Kill Zone 2,Motor Storm,Grand Turismo HD,Virtua Fighter 5.


When Geforce 8800 Series hit the stores. PS3 is dead. I dont think PS3 hype will last long. Sony is falling.


Broken In
thunderbird.117 said:
When Geforce 8800 Series hit the stores. PS3 is dead. I dont think PS3 hype will last long. Sony is falling.

:lol: This is funniest post I've read in recent times. *smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Laughing/laughing-019.gif

P.S. For you info GF 8800 has hit the stores.


Hanging, since 2004..
thunderbird.117 said:
When Geforce 8800 Series hit the stores. PS3 is dead. I dont think PS3 hype will last long. Sony is falling.

Can't compare PC with a console. any console for that matter.


This will explain :- *www.hardcoreware.net/reviews/review-348-1.htm

Actually we can compare PC with consoles why not?.


The Devil's Advocate
coz consoles are for gaming which doprovide other facilities and in case of pc it is the other way round the pc does numerous things gaming is only a part
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