Why the PS3 may not make it big....

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Broken In
Way back in 2004, when Sony announced the PS3, it sent ripples in the gaming world for mainly two reasons: - 1) The PS2 was already a dominating force in the gaming market 2) For its so called Cell processor, which was touted to be extremely powerful. Its been two years since then, and Sony has now finally declared the launch of PS3 on November 17, after months of hype and delay. Sounds interesting……
But as the title of my thread says, the PS3 may not make it big, IMHO. The reasons are several, most of which you might already know….
Firstly, the cost factor…. The PS3 will cost a whopping 700 US dollars. This is really expensive for the average gaming folks (heck, it is even expensive for the rich brats) Sony says that the price is because of the technology involved, namely, the Cell and Blu-ray. But this hardly seems a valid argument. The XBOX 360 also has like features (not the Cell or the Blu-ray, but soon will have HD attachment.) But it costs a lot less (300 US dollars, should you like to buy it).This may be still expensive for us, but not as much as the PS3!!! How many people do you know of who are ready to pay $600 for just a gaming (and entertainment) system? Add to this the fact that you need to have a HDTV to fully enjoy the next-gen console, and you have a hefty price tag for the system. Oh. …. And did I mention that each game will cost around $60!!!
Next comes the fact that today’s current next-gen champ, the XBOX 360 is already loaded to the brim. It may still be expensive, but as a gaming and entertainment system, it’s still a lot cheaper. And its gaming library is growing huge!!! Splinter cell 4, Assassins’ creed, GTA 4, are just some of the awesome games in the pipe for the XBOX 360. Add to this the fact that even ardent PS2 game developers like Capcom, have shifted their attention to this console (witness Dead rising and Lost Planet). And if you still think that’s not enough here comes the big one….
At the beginning of the year, some folks predicted that the battle will be between Halo 3 and the PS3. Bill Gates was quoted saying as “As soon as Sony released the PS3, they walk right into Halo 3.” But Mr. Gates was WRONG!! The fight is not with Halo 3, but with the Epic game Gears of War, touted to be the killer-app for the 360. If you think that’s crap, check out the trailers of the game (they are all over the internet, or ask Digit to publish them). This game is gorgeous and I am pretty sure it is going to be the GAME OF THE YEAR!!
So that’s it then. What we gamers can do is just wait till the giants unleash their gifts for us, and then decide who will ultimately own a place inside out living rooms.

And please, the above topic is subjective, so please don’t tell me that I am totally wrong ( which ardent PS fans probably will!!)


The Devil's Advocate
agreed its a subjective and i might also add a very touchy topic for PS fans ....

as far as the cost factor is concerned ur right

HD tv and other stuff well its predicted that lcd and plasma will hv a sharp fall in price i n the coming year or 2 so i dont think tht shud b a problem ..... and as far as games are concerned who comes first gets the pie not o mention sony also has a strong foothold in the console market so i guess some game makers will come up with exclusive titles for both consoles having said tht amongst rumors of MS starting wrk on their next console the coming years will be interesting coz MS says it will not wait 5 yrs b4 launching the next xbox ....

prices will fall eventually


Aspiring Novelist
The PS3 will cost a whopping 700 US dollars. This is really expensive for the average gaming folks (heck, it is even expensive for the rich brats)
Assuming that was a typo,I move on and say how rich are those "rich brats" of yours? If they can afford a Xbox 360 and a HDTV then they sure as hell can fling in a 100$ bill more and rope in the PS3.Not to mention the cost of the hardware is relatively cheaper to a Ultra-High end PC which those "rich brats" would upgrade on a yearly basis(or may be less).

The XBOX 360 also has like features (not the Cell or the Blu-ray, but soon will have HD attachment.) But it costs a lot less (300 US dollars, should you like to buy it).
The $300 version is the Core version of Xbox 360 which has stripped some essential features just like the $499 version of PS3.PS3 has integrated the Blu-Ray technology not just for movie viewing terms but to accomodate those large games on this new technology.Having a separate Blu-Ray movie player and a Blu-Ray game disc reader would be somewhat idiotic.Xbox 360 uses the standard Dual Layer game DVD's and hence have no option but to add-on the HD DVD player separately.Add the cost to the 360's premium version then I suppose it would square off to almost the same lines of PS3.

As for the HDTV part well that is no expection point for both the console's.Even a Xbox 360 would require a HDTV for a full HD viewing environment.

Talking about the games then PS3 too has its share of titles like Metal Gear Solid 4:Guns of Patriots,Heavenly Sword,Resistence:Fall of Man,Grand Turismo HD,DMC 4,Heavy Rain,Tekken 6,MotorStorm and the list would go on.

For everyone who seems to crib about the price issue every now and then realise that quality dosen't come cheap.Just because Microsoft placed it console at $499 dosen't mean Sony should follow the same suit.All we complain about the price being over the top...Blah Blah Blah.Some people have the divine pleasure of buying a 30k plus or a 20k plus graphic card but the same complain for PS3's price being high.Atleast give the console a try before bashing the thing to hell for its price.If the console would give me exactly the thing that it claims then heck I wouldn't think twice before putting my money into it (provided I am capable of purchasing it;-)).Sony has provided quality gaming for as long as I remember.By no means am I saying that Xbox is anything inferior but its just that when people start with the price issue it's a bit disappointing.


The Devil's Advocate
with all due respect to u allwyn ur post is disappointing .... quality doesnt come cheap agreed but it shudnt be that costly either .... 1 of the biggest factors deciding a buying decision is the cost factor .... ppl if hav decided to buy something at a time and if the cost is too high they wait for the prices to drpop which eventually happens within a year or 2 ... i remember PS2 costing 22k 2 years ago and now its merely 7k its the same product but the price is different did the quality change - no ....

and as far as the difference between the core and limited edition its only 6k in india which is 120$ .... hdtv as i said prices will fall


Hanging, since 2004..
PS3 surely has its negative points but ur article is completely biased promoting the 360.

Firstly, the cost factor…. The PS3 will cost a whopping 700 US dollars. This is really expensive for the average gaming folks (heck, it is even expensive for the rich brats) Sony says that the price is because of the technology involved, namely, the Cell and Blu-ray. But this hardly seems a valid argument. The XBOX 360 also has like features (not the Cell or the Blu-ray, but soon will have HD attachment.) But it costs a lot less (300 US dollars, should you like to buy it).

You quote PS3 as a 700$ machine and 360 as a 300$ one , how can this be called fair, u are comparing the high end ps3(real price 600$) with a low end core version of xbox360 , the high end version of xbox360 costs 400$. still the PS3 is costly but has its Perks , the lower config PS3 comes with a 20 gig HDD which can be compared to the higher end xbox360 which too has the 20gig HDD but add to the 400$ xbox360 a 200$ HD dvd external drive which makes the console a 600$ thing costlier than the low end ps3. irony is that the HD DVD drive is only for playing movies.
The low end xbox controller is not wireless where as PS3 comes with wireless controllers in any case. I have seen many xbox360 and ps3 comparisions on the net , atleast they try to be fair on each side.

You will need HDTV in both cases to fully enjoy the both systems , I dont think ps3 is overpriced , its offering exellent hardware for the price , the only good thing with the 360 is that you have choice to buy or ot to buy the hd dvd drive or hdd's.

you can argue with ppl over the game library all the time and it will never end , PS3 has solid list of games , may be the games are not of ur choice , every one has a different taste of games. So i dont think its a point of argument . Although Gears of war is my personal faviourite.

I woud like to tell u that may u are not totally wrong but u are wrong here , u r representing the article in the wrong way .

I am not a bit surprised with ur article ,coz the internet these days is flooded with the PS3 haters , valid or not everyone is having fun with bashing ps3. Although the things like hdd are mandatory with the ps3 and make it costlier but it has started showing its use , Ridge racer 7 is going to use the hdd for fast loading times in the game. Things like this can not be done in a 360 coz the hdd is optional , not all ppl have the hdd so in this case the developer can not force this feature on everyone . So every thing has its good or bad side , in the end the choice is urs to go with the console of ur choice .

In coming march my cousin is gonna go buy a 360 coz i suggested him to buy , but this does not mean that the PS3 is useless piece of crap as you suggested . If my choice is a 360 it may not fit to everyones likings .
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Broken In
I agree that the PS3 line up is impressive... But in no way will it be able to catch up with that of the 360..just like the XBOX couldnt do with the PS2. The 360 has the edge

As for the cost 300 is for the core system, it may not have cool features, but both the core and fully loaded systems will allow you to play SC 4 easily, wont it?? And its still cheaper..

And no, I am nit biased towards any of the systems... I just want to say that if shell out 700 dollars for a system, I want it to deliver, without any further expenses.

And for those with a weak eyesight, I said " The post is subjective !!!" You folks have the complete right to object, but not as much as this!!


In the zone
Hey Crazy sumi, do you work for microsoft? PS3 will surely make it big. You must remember that a stand alone Blue Ray drive costs 1000$(The X-Box 360 guys will be eventually shelling out 200$ more for the HD-DVD drive when all X-Box 360 games come out in HD-DVD). The premium version costs 600$ and not 700$(BE sure of what you say before you shout).Moreover you get thrice the hard disk at 60GB, True HD support at 1080p (X-Box recently decided to add 1080p to its arsenal through a firmware upgrade, a faster processor, more controller support. All these make PS3's price justified. Simply put together X-Box 360 is good, but PS3 is better.


Hanging, since 2004..
you wont learn , will u . U cant stop comparing the high end ps3 with the core xbox360. It does give u opportunity to highlight the 300$ and 700$ comparision. btw , the high end PS3 is 600$ not a 700$ console. and if u want to compare the price , compare both low ends or both high ends , even this will not be a fair comparision with the extra features even the low end PS3 is offering.

And for those with a weak eyesight, I said " The post is subjective !!!" You folks have the complete right to object, but not as much as this!!

reading the article i think its something more then only being subjective.


In the zone
the basic difference betwwen 360 and ps3 would be piracy. pirated games of 360 r avalable ps3 its imposible. there are players who would sell manny for ps3(even if expensieve) but not many when it comes to oriuginal games.
will u spend rs 2000 for 7 hrs example tomb rider


The Devil's Advocate
thers no point which is better .... there are 2 sides to coin ... if 1 says heads u will always another who says tails .... u hav ipod and the zune .... ipod is feeling the heat ... and now u hav xbox and ps3 ....

in both cases it is a win-win situation for us as customers so y fight abt it .... lets rejoice and b happy that a friend of mine can hv a xbox i can hav a ps3 both can hv fun v can feel em both

see it from a customer point of view ..... u see that its us winning so fight abt it .... i u like ipod go for it if u like zune go for it ..... if u like xbox buy it if u want ps3 buy it ....

but did u guys realize this that MS is everywhere ....


Aspiring Novelist
mAV3 said:
with all due respect to u allwyn ur post is disappointing .... quality doesnt come cheap agreed but it shudnt be that costly either .... 1 of the biggest factors deciding a buying decision is the cost factor .... ppl if hav decided to buy something at a time and if the cost is too high they wait for the prices to drpop which eventually happens within a year or 2 ... i remember PS2 costing 22k 2 years ago and now its merely 7k its the same product but the price is different did the quality change - no ....
How much costly are we talking here? 100$ addition! Dude In India alone people are much hesitant to shell out over 12k for a console (Talking from an average perspective).So both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 would be costly affair for them.If you talk from the North American,Japanese & European perspective those who quib about the price being high & stuff would be the same people piling up at the release of PS3 to buy it.People who appreciate quality don't hesitate to shell out the money.Being the costliest console at launch dosen't certify it to be a sour player as it takes atleast 6 months or a year to atleast make the difference.PS2 when launched had a price tag of 299$ in North America but was being sold for around 27k out here.That might have stopped some out here from buying the console but the worldwide sales did the talk.No offence to anyone but I seriously feel that the price issue is being blown off over the hill.


The Devil's Advocate
price will always be an issue .... it was so 50 yrs ago it is today and it will be for the coming 50yrs and beyond .... it can never be blown off over the hill .... whenevr something new is launched its costly .... but gradually prices drop .... wat im skeptical abt the xbox and ps is that not only the console but the accessories and games also are genuinely very costly i mean 1.5k-2k for a game and the accessories for xbox and also the ps3 will be over the hill


Aspiring Novelist
^50$ was a standard price for games right from the begining.We didn't feel much of it's impact because piracy was predominant in our country.Even the PC games today retail for as much as 1.5k.2k and above for some MS games.The technology and its development have changed dramatically over the period of years and hence it will claim some premium at a certain point.


In the zone
allwyndlima said:
^50$ was a standard price for games right from the begining.We didn't feel much of it's impact because piracy was predominant in our country.Even the PC games today retail for as much as 1.5k.2k and above for some MS games.The technology and its development have changed dramatically over the period of years and hence it will claim some premium at a certain point.
Agree 100%. Games cost a lot to develop these days. But the good thing is that atleast games cost less or in-par in India compared to the American prices. Game consoles obviously cost more, even at the street price.


Hanging, since 2004..
and those ppl who were crying abt the 60$ ps3 games , bad news for u , nfs carbon for xbox360 is 60$ without the extra content with will cost another 50$. So enjoy both or curse both consoles , the real face of the much hyped live marketplace is before everyone. First ship the crippled incomplete game for the same costly price , then ship the leftover content for extra price.


Calm down everybody, there is on need to fight! After all isn't the battle between PS3 and XBOX 360? Why should we cause bitterness among ourselves? We should consider ourselves lucky, that as gamers, we are so spoilt for choice by Sony and Microsoft. No matter who wins, the real winner will always be us, the hardcore gamers! (BTW, i'm with PS3 :D )


Broken In
PS3 will again be the leader in consoles, it has all the games (and more) which made PS2 what it is, and people are ready to pay that much money for a Playstation.


Broken In
crazy_sumi said:
1) For its so called Cell processor, which was touted to be extremely powerful.

2) Firstly, the cost factor…. The PS3 will cost a whopping 700 US dollars.

3) Sony says that the price is because of the technology involved, namely, the Cell and Blu-ray. But this hardly seems a valid argument.

4) The XBOX 360 also has like features (not the Cell or the Blu-ray, but soon will have HD attachment.)

5) But it costs a lot less (300 US dollars, should you like to buy it).

6)This may be still expensive for us, but not as much as the PS3!!! How many people do you know of who are ready to pay $600 for just a gaming (and entertainment) system?

7) Add to this the fact that you need to have a HDTV to fully enjoy the next-gen console, and you have a hefty price tag for the system. Oh. …. And did I mention that each game will cost around $60!!!

8 ) Next comes the fact that today’s current next-gen champ, the XBOX 360 is already loaded to the brim. It may still be expensive, but as a gaming and entertainment system, it’s still a lot cheaper. And its gaming library is growing huge!!! Splinter cell 4, Assassins’ creed, GTA 4, are just some of the awesome games in the pipe for the XBOX 360. Add to this the fact that even ardent PS2 game developers like Capcom, have shifted their attention to this console (witness Dead rising and Lost Planet). And if you still think that’s not enough here comes the big one….

9) At the beginning of the year, some folks predicted that the battle will be between Halo 3 and the PS3. Bill Gates was quoted saying as “As soon as Sony released the PS3, they walk right into Halo 3.” But Mr. Gates was WRONG!! The fight is not with Halo 3, but with the Epic game Gears of War, touted to be the killer-app for the 360. If you think that’s crap, check out the trailers of the game (they are all over the internet, or ask Digit to publish them). This game is gorgeous and I am pretty sure it is going to be the GAME OF THE YEAR!!

1) Don't forget blu-ray Drive.The reason for the price of PS3 and the heart of ps3 besides Cell.

2) The price of PS3 is $599.99 US (not $700).Even in canada {where I live}, its $659.99 (Canadian Dollars).

3) OK then tell me Why Microsoft is charging Xbox 360 for $399.99 US??...20GB drive,no Wi-Fi,no HD drive,$50 for online,old controller with wireless support????

4) for $200 US.

5) Xbox 360 Price = $399.99
PS3 Price = $599.99
Price Difference= $200.00

6) I myself work in Walmart canadaian store [Electronics Department] and I won't be able to get 1 myself at the launch day.(there will be more than 30 consoles at launch day in our store)

7) Even Xbox 360 needs HDTV for full graphics detail and even Xbox 360 games cost $60

8 ) Do u know PS3's games library is already many times compared to Xbox 360's Since it can play Most PS2 and PS1 games right out of the box.Plus there are 200+ games are in making for PS3..

9)No, Xbox 360's competetion will be with Wii..

Forgot Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3.

Plus games like Motorstorm, Killzone,Devil May Cry 4, F1 racing, GT HD, Warhawk,Lair etc ....

[Note:please donot write about something u don't Know or have much knowledge about!!!!...]
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