~Why are you here?~

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Democracy is a myth
Guys, this question is wandering in my mind for a long time. I want to know why all/any one of you wanted to register in this forum? What made u to do so?
What was the reason u felt that u should register in this forum??

I'm a bit curious. A lot of old members still stroll here, would like to here them too.

For me, it started from Digit in back 2003. I used get weired probs with my PC, and Digit QnA was my only savior. When in emergency I looked for immediate solution but none in my college was enough geek to solve them and I ended up formatting PC (ya, it was 98 first, then XP). I saw their ad in mag, that I can get immediate sol^n from this "forum" something (don't LOL, back then I had no idea wat a online forum is).

I registered here to find solution of my tech problems, but I just could not understand how it works, how would the website help me get the answers. AND,till 2007 October I never ever visited this forum.
Now, back 2007 Oct, I was idle in my project, very little work and lotsa time to pass. A few websites were allowed in our office proxy. Digit was one of them. I thought of visiting it to check if my log-in credentials still work, if NOW I can get how does it work...since then I'm hooked to it and it has become one part of my life...

guys, please share your stories...would love to hear them:)


Slideshow Bob
I used to be a regular Digit reader from the year 2002 onwards and used to see a lot of hype generated in the mag about their own website and forum. Back then I didn't have a 'proper' Internet connection. In 2004 I got a 64Kbps 'broadband' (read always-on) connection and finally decided to check out this whole forum thingy. A lot of knowledgeable members were regular at that time, such as ice, deep, [_deXter_] etc. and visiting the forums was a learning experience. Soon I was troubleshooting others' problems and searching the net to find their solutions increased my knowledge in turn.

It used to be great fun at that time coz the Digit staffers were also pretty regular on the forum and actually used to interact with us members.
I joined the forum in Feb 2007, when i assembled my 1st PC, an AMD rig. I was reading Digit since 2004, but was not able to access net regularly. i didnt had net access at my home that time.. so i have to go to cafe as i was facing some problem regarding the reset switch setting on the mobo. Then i got NET connection in April and after that it became the 1st stop for my online activities.

This wasnt much interesting i think :p:D.....


I was a reader of chip mag [a friend introduced me to it] and then after some time found out that I could use their forum to ask questions and get my doubts regarding various stuff cleared...

in the meanwhile heard that the digit forum was equally good [or even better perhaps] so registered here....then some problems happened in chip [some kinda stupid strike or something where all the senior members didn't want people to create threads or participate in existing ones...all this for the want of mods :D] and I drifted around the net till one day I came across TDF and remembered I had signed up on this forum earlier and i'm now a regular in here :D


lost in my world
i got my first computer in 99 ever since that i was interested in computers i was buying other magazines like chip and pc quest for the soft wares then i changed to digit when it came out in 2001 i screwed up my first pc due to my curiosity
then i got my new pc in 2005 along with broadband and i joined here i was doing my college at that time i didn't get to learn too much but i wanted to be a hacker i left this place and was around some other hacking forums for a while
eventually i lost my interest and i stopped buying the digit magazine for a year i came here again couple of months ago to subscribe and thought of joining the forum since i have free time now
im 21 now and im still more or less a noob but interested to learn....


I am here since 2005. :grin: I came here to ask How to play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Missions. I got some great replies and got a feeling that TDF is good. Though those threads doesn't exists now.

Before TDF I registered for CHIP Forums. I got net connection in 2008 and after that I was active at CHIP forums like hell. Here at TDF I just come to clear some recruitment related Problems and to ask Noobish Questions like How to View Locked Album in Orkut? and all illegal stuffs. :))

All my previous threads were Locked and I also got some very harsh replies from exisiting forum members. So I left TDF for a long time. :wink:

At CHIP forum there was a very harsh fight between me and one of a KID MOD. Both of us were fighting like KIDS, but he said some sentences like Stupid People don't know anything and just come here.... etc. etc. I was really pissed and e-mailed all editorial team of CHIP to remove him from MOD.

CHIP editorial also published my name in their townsquare section that I am greedy or somewhat like that (I didn't read that particular issue). Following were the threads where the fighting was going on:

Fight 1
Fight 2
Fight 3
Fight 4
Fight 5

After this everything was calm, but that @$$hole Moderator started deleting whatever I post and started commenting non-sense like hell in every thread I created. After that I wrote some really harsh words (including Slangs) to that MOD and again requested CHIP Team to remove him. But the thread was apparently deleted by some MOD.

After this I left that forum but visit it in an interval of 4-5 months. Rest assured I am not returning to that forum again on a regular basis.

I found TDF great with friendly members here. I gained a lot of knowledge right here and started solving other problems especially How to Remove Viruses/Trojans etc. etc. :lol:

Aage yahan aake mein kya kya kiya ye sab jaante hai :lol: - SPAM :D


Call me D_J!
I started reading Digit in April 2007. I had no Internet connection then. I bought it as a time pass coz my 10th exams were over and also because my friend recommended me. I was so much influenced by reading it that I fantasized of the enjoyment the employees get in doing. If you could remember, the April issue had a case modding process that turned into a simple PC to a monster PC. I was very much influenced by it. After that I started buying Digit regularly.

In the mean time I found that Digit contains an excellent forum. Reading the mag, I wondered how great it would it be and wished if I could join it. I wondered that whenever I got Internet, the first thing I would do is join the forum. Now in Nov 2008 my father took the internet connection and I was very happy. I registered and this was it.


It was in 2004. There was no internet connection in my town. The only source of Tech-related stuff was Digit magazine (none others were available). We used to buy Digit mags one in two or three months. ('We' because they were in sharing with friends.. :D lol..)

Then I got a Dial up and visited this the main site to look for subscription details and if there is pdf version of the magazine. (I was actually looking for FREE Digit magazines :D) It was then that I visited 'first' forum of my life :p. Then there was a long gap in 2006-07 due to my HSC. But since 2008 I am back again!

Deleted member 26636

i joined this forum to solve some of my PC troubles way back in 2007...at that time i wasn't at all active.only posted when i was in trouble..then towards the end of 2008 i started visiting the forum regularly..& soon discovered how wonderful this place is. even with all the bugs & forum going down every now & then, i am still here & maybe i'll never leave. i checked out chip forum(i am a member there also) & TE but they just didn't appeal to me..the members here are much better.& about the bugs..they don't bother me much.in fact most of the times i don't even notice them.when the forum goes down i just wait eagerly & patiently.:)
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