Which book\resource should i read?

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Right off the assembly line
Hi Friends:)
I have recently joined the forum and came across your thread.
Well, as per as the books are considered a single book will not make you a master. If you want to be an expert a number of books and online materials will be required.
Here are my suggestions.
If you are beginner to the world of programming then consider any of the following book.
C Primer Plus, By Stephen Prata
Beginning C From Novice to Professional by Ivor Horton
C The complete Reference by Herbert Schildt
After gaining some idea about c, go for the following books
The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
Expert C Programming by Peter Van Der Linden
C Unleashed by Heathfield, Kirby, et al

I hope you will find this information useful. You can ask me if you want to know more about programming.But always consider buying the book that best suits you.
Good Luck.
Enjoy coding in C.:)


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Ivor Horton is good, but Herbert Schildt is more of a reference than a guide. I wouldnt recommend it for beginners.


Democracy is a myth
Hi "Bikdel"................r u doin engg??
If your stream is any of these IT,CSC or ECE u'll get ur answers from the syllabi......

If u r not doing Engg.........it would a bit tough to understand all this lingo......
For Programming I would suggest you these:
C: "A Book On C" by Kelly, Pohol
Let us C by Yasvant Kanetkar is good but it would be more easy to understand if you KNOW C. Another better book on C would be "The Indispensable Guide to C" by Paul,Devis. This is the best of the lot if you want to be a geek in C:D.
Another Programming language, I would say Java. For this "Complete reference" by Herbert Schield(pardon me if I mispelt) is best. Read every line, word by word from page 1 to chapter 10(or till Threads, then applets and others). If you do every programs in this book you'll be best in Java.

Ahhhh....Games..d same old question...........it consists OpenGl programming, DirectX programming..........better leave it for later part of ur life......means when you r pretty much confident in programming.
I think these two books will be enough.........
Data Communications and Networking By Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan


TCP/IP protocol suite: Protocol Suite By Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan

These are not enjoyable to read but informative( lots and lots of!:))

Web Designing:
Before going in designing you need to know diff. Web technologies, for this follw this book.
Web Technologies: Tcp/ip to Internet Application Architectures by Achyut S Godbole, Atul Kahate (I love this book)

Web designing: for page designing go to w3schools.com is best.
Serverside language would be JSP,PHP or ASP.......

OS: theres a book by Tennenbaum........search by his name....you'll get info...


Alpha Geek Banned
thank you, actually i am a hobbyist only. And il consider the choices. I just got a book"begginers guide to programming" publishe by McGraw Hill. Its nice and illustrative. Good enough. After i finish with this one, ill read one abt networking. Will look at the choices provided. Thank you.
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