@readermaniax ..
can you explain to me .. what exactly have you written here.
as far as i can understand .. it's totally and entirely incoherent.
readermaniax said:
so your estimate of 6-8Kb/sec is right on and 11 minutes is about right.
who's estimate... who said 11mins !
readermaniax said:
any of the above TB, GB, MB, KB, bytes etc.. etc.. multiplied by an amount of time
equals amount/time e.g. : Kb/sec or b/sec
ughh .. what ?
readermaniax said:
Kbps and KB/sec
Kbps = KB/sec this is the same
I dont think anybody was confused in that ... 'ps' in 'kbps' is 'per second'
so .. kbps has to be same as kb/sec
I think you got it all wrong.
Let me try to explain the same thing.
1st thing ..
bits = represented by small "b"
bytes = represented by capital 'B"
1byte = 8bits
So, most probably your Opera is showing ~1KBps and your DUmeter is showing ~8Kbps
and 1KBps=8Kbps .. so everything is alright .. nothing is lost
Coming to the more confusing part ..
small "k" = 1000
capital "K"= 1024
So, 1kbits = 1000bits
but 1Kbits = 1024bits
Same logic doesnt necessarily apply to capital/small "M" for megabits or megabytes
Although it's not formally suggested .. but widely accepted that small k=1000 and capital K=1024
It's just a convention ..
- Usually .. network speeds are expressed in 1024 multiples ..
ie 1Mbps = 1024Kbps = 1024*1024bps
- RAM sizes are also expressed in 1024 multiples
- But harddisk sizes are expressed in 1000 multiples.. ie. a 40GB drive has 40*1000*1000*1000 bytes.
(note that it has capital "B" .. hence bytes .. not bits)
Just a convention !!
Hope I made things clear.