pathiks said:
do u hav a 7.1 sound system also?? Btw congo 4 ur new config..
its inbulit 7.1 sound system.
i dont have a separate home theatre speakers, just 8 Speakers (2spkrs in 1 cable) & two Subs.

cost US $134 & RAM-> US $173
woowW, so many FREE stuffs with this Intel DG965WH board.
=>InterVideo MediaOne Gallery
=>Ulead Video WinDVD Player
=>Ulead Video Studio SE DVD
=>Ulead Pocket DVD Show
=>Norton Internet Security

(i wont even buy a pirated version)

Diskeeper 9 Home Edition 
=>Farstone RestoreIT
=>Premium VoIP Service Offers (i think not applicable in India

Kaspersky Anti Virus (Russian)

=>Kingsoft PowerWord (chinese)
=>Kingsoft AntiVirus (chinese)
One small problem. *
i thought i can install this new MOBO in my Beautiful HP Pavilion CPU cabinet
but the mobo is too big (~1 1/2" big). *
So guys please suggest me the best, good lookin CPU Cabinet.
Budget 1500-2000.
btw, will the new CPU cab. come with the 11 screws for mobo.