vijay_7287 said:
well want i wanted to know was abt small gif files
not abt the resizing
or can we resize a .gif withoutloss of animation ???
We edit our avatars to fit in the size limit.......
just choose ut avatar that u like....i mean a gif image... than edit it and bring down to size limit...
Consider my case... It'a an animated gif image...
It's original size was 130KiloBytes...
Used Easy Gif Editor to edit it and bring it under 10KB....
Basically a gif image is lot of images played in sequence.... so if u delete a few of them from in between...
decrease the size of images... and consequently yhe size of avatar....
But highest decrease in size that u get is from image optimization.... that reduces whatever image it is to half the size...
Easy gif editor has 4-5 optimization... remove any comments with the image... etc...etc...
here's my original avatar....