fifa doesnt need that much cpu power. so while playing fifa set cpu to balanced and not high performance. Also if possible use only one gpu. both of yours are good.
and most importantly. download and use d3d overrider. use it to enable forced triple buffering and vsync.
I am extremely sorry but I am quite a novice into hardcore gaming, so can u please tell me step by step how to change from balance to high performance and how to change from 2 gpus to one? And also.what is this d3d overrider and all this triple buffering and vsync? Thanks
Strangely even after just booting these are the results:
its been hardly 10 seconds and still it is 84 celsius. Is this software wrong or something, I can even feel that heat of the laptop still it says 84. What to do now? Previously I thought the trouble was FIFA, but even without FIFA it is reaching 84 .
Hey guys, I just download this software called GPU TEMP and it says that my GPU temperature after just booting like 45 celsius and GPU Z says 87. I feel that GPU temp is correct. can GPU Z be wrong? Though I can't feel any heat.
After using 4 softwares to judge my GPU temp, it seems like the temp does not go beyond 80 celsius any time, it seems GPU Z gives wrong readings. Thouh it jumped from 45 to 75 by switching FIFA on.