What if India had a Game Rating Board?


﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
The way I see it, it will only lead to increase in piracy. We all know about Fallout 3 but still many in India have managed to play it.

Nothing going to happen. Only Console section will suffer.
You can even play Fallout games legitly on PC. Source:- I have both the games on steam.


Steam High Templar
The way I see it, it will only lead to increase in piracy. We all know about Fallout 3 but still many in India have managed to play it.

I have a legit disc copy of F3 :grin:
Oh,BTW F3 was not "Banned" in India,MS chose not to release it here because they thought it would create some controversy
Our country is FREE in terms of gaming,Not any kind of banning or censoring whatsoever:grin:


Wise Old Owl
So far, i have not heard or stumbled over an incident which says "major mischief or turmoil caused in society due to PLAYING OF PC GAMES"...Haven't heard in recent times any kid applying fatality combos to his school mate, no gamer has ever tried stealth killing his ex's boyfriend after breaking up...no RPG enthusiast ever carried 324 Kg of full metal inventory from local market...

I think if any such organisations to be built over this fantastic world of games where fantasy meets entertainment, the members ought to to have solid realism in administration. There are far more severe issues running through veins of Indian societies to be looked upon in holistic level than some moderation of "games" barely contributing any chaos to the system.
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