50 GB with 999 GB bandwidth for less than Rs. 3000
per year!! So cost per MB per year is less than 6 paise!! Looks fantastic! But don't you think its too cheap? It is too good to be true!!
Decent dedicated servers with 100 GB space costs around US $ 250
a month!
In this case, I will assume that they are hiding a few things.
Primarily, they are over-selling! They know you are not going to use so much space. So they sell the same space again and again.
Of course, over-selling is now an accepted industry norm and almost all providers do it.
Personally, I will not go with them. You get what you pay for. They may be selling a scooter and you may only need a bicycle. So may just be suitable to you. Try some pre-sales questions and see what answers you get.