Wanna give my system a new life with Linux

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Broken In
Well I've posted here before but never managed to settle on a distro. I wanna give my wreck of a computer which was running MS Windows for as long as I can remember new life. If scrubbed out all the stains and all from that old comp and it LOOKs to be brand new. Now all it needs is a life. I'm hoping that Linux can do this for me.

Celeron 1.2Ghz Processor: 256L2 Cache
256MB Ram
PS/2 mouse, keyboard
Intel 810E Chipset Mboard
DVD COmbo Drive

This comp needs to play divx, avi, dvd-rips, mp3's blah blah blah...... Basically all multimedia possible. Also need compatible office suite's for compatibility with MS Office docs.

Please Help me. I need the comp to be fast, efficient and smoothe.



18 Till I Die............
It's not about whether your computer can handle linux but can you handle linux? It's the first question you need to answer. Otherwise better get a copy of Win98 and use it. Will make things easier for you too.
As for which distros will be suitable, you can try something like Vector Linux, Xubuntu or Debian on this config. They will be smooth enough but don't expect things to fly.


Broken In
OK! Thanks, tech! I'm sure I want to learn Linux and am hopefully ready for it. Me and a friend are starting the learning process together so that we can inspire each other to continue if we lose hope in Linux. I read the thread on "Is moving to Linux really worth it"- by hitman and am convinced to start wid Linux! Am going to try out FC5 on the PC I mentioned above.


Ambassador of Buzz
If you want to be able to get everything out of a Linux distro without having to manually configure a zillion repositories try Sabayon Linux. Read this post it might be of some use for you: *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50799 also sabayon has come up with their 3.3 edition. Anyway here the system requirements for Sabayon Linux:
System Requirements for running Sabayon Linux
  • Live Environment - No 3D Desktop:
    • i586 Processor (starting from AMD K5 and Intel Pentium)
    • at least 128Mb of RAM (256 suggested)
    • a 2D graphics card
    • a DDC capable Monitor
    • mouse and keyboard
  • Live Environment - 3D Desktop:
    • i686 Processor (starting from AMD K6 and Intel Pentium II)
    • at least 256Mb of RAM (512 suggested)
    • an OpenGL capable 3D graphics card (mostly NVIDIA, ATI, Intel, VIA)
    • a DDC capable Monitor
    • mouse and keyboard
  • Installation:
    • i586 Processor (see above)
    • at least 192Mb of RAM (256 suggested)
    • 8GB of free space
    • Internet connection (not mandatory but highly suggested)
    • a DDC capable Monitor
    • mouse and keyboard


Broken In
Well actually I want to get my feet wet with Linux. Thats the only way I will learn. But all I need now it the right sources to get codecs to play my multimedia files. Thats all.

I'm in the process of doing that as I type but, the only prob is that the Add/Remove manager in FC5 is giving me probs. It says that it cant find the package list.


18 Till I Die............
antoniobc see the sticky on multimedia it should have links to articles which will give you the needed repositories. It's just that you are misssing the required repositories.


Broken In
tech_your_future said:
antoniobc see the sticky on multimedia it should have links to articles which will give you the needed repositories. It's just that you are misssing the required repositories.

I dont know about repos but the Add/Remove program isnt starting up at all. As soon as it starts, it gives me the error and then closes the dialogue box. Oh and the PC is nt connected to the net!


@antibiotnc: U need to have net connection to install the packages easily. Though u can install it if u have them in some cd or some cached repository. But u wont find any magz. that gives u all the libraries and packages that much as they give for windows.

Without net connection, u can do officework, learn linux, play some games, and do entertainment tasks but thats possible if u have installed the corresponding packages. So I think u shud get some net connection.

AS for installing multimedia, codecs etc is damn easy in fedora.
Check out the post by some cool fedora user!
Even if u dont know the package name appropriately, then still u can install it!

e.g If u have a package say "xmame" to play rom games n u can't remember the name and u remember only "mame", then type "yum -y install *mame" and use the awesome wildcards.

So dont worry about mulimedia on linux, installing it is a piece of cake n one line solution in fedora as explained in that post!

As for ur add/remove prog. I think its not working becoz u dont have net connection!


Broken In
Well would Sabayon with Beryl work on my comp? It has 256Megs of Ram. And I would love to have the out of the box multimedia, experience + a cool looking desktop!


Broken In
Well the net connection aint possible on that comp cause, I have a broadband server running Windows that my parents( with 0 techie knowledge) use. So I cant do my experimentation on that PC. Another HP PC is networked with the server but it runs XP Professional. That PC is for my PROPPER PROPPER work like projects, college assignments and other work. The PC I mentioned in my first thread is the one on which I intend installing Linux!

That PC does not have a network LAN card, and Im kinda short on cash.

By the way, what is this yum that everyones talking about???

Where is it going to find the required codecs?


A lan card costs around Rs.200 isn't it?
Neways yum is the software that is used for installing/upgrading/removing softwares. U can find the codecs in repositories of fedora. If u do it manually, it'll be cumbersome. Yum takes care of everything!
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