Cyborg Agent
One of my friend gave me DVD and asked me to convert it to VCDs and I whole heartedly accepted it. But when i put the DVD into my DVD Drive, i found that it is not a standard Video DVD, no VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories. But i find a directory DVD_RTAV and 3 files in it
I am able to play the file VR_MOVIE.VRO, but dont know how to convert it to MPEG.
I was using dvd::rip for ripping and encoding my DVDs earlier. I use FC4 as my OS. Please let me know any tools available for GNU/Linux, for converting VRO files to MPEG.
Please dont post about Windows tools. I have had enough from googling. I use no windows!!!
I am able to play the file VR_MOVIE.VRO, but dont know how to convert it to MPEG.
I was using dvd::rip for ripping and encoding my DVDs earlier. I use FC4 as my OS. Please let me know any tools available for GNU/Linux, for converting VRO files to MPEG.
Please dont post about Windows tools. I have had enough from googling. I use no windows!!!