Kiran_tech_mania said:
If Mac is just as common as Windows, there would be "n" number of malwares for it too. Mac is so less popular compared to Windows that hackers are not interested in twisting their brains to that extent.
OK. I accept what you are saying.
Now, consider this. Mac has a very minimal market share as compared to Windows, right? Therefore, it has NO viruses, while there are millions of viruses for the Windows platform. But then why does the Mac platform have such a sizable number of software available for it? Why isn't it same as the viruses ratio?
The answer: writing software for a Mac is far easier than for Windows and
writing viruses for Mac OS X is very difficult as compared to Windows.
Kiran_tech_mania said:
Remember what hapnd to the guy who put his Mac on network and started saying to hack it if possible. It was hacked in just 30 min of time!
If you give your copy to someone, give him a pen too and then challenge him to scribble on the copy - you cannot do much to prevent your copy even if the pages are waxed!
Kiran_tech_mania said:
Most of the Virus aren't ment for getting famous! It's for stealing information from the victim's PC. Imagine I would write a virus for Windows. Certainly I am not goin to bla bla to everybody that I am the creator!
Yes, you are. The Australian hacker who wrote the first virus for Windows Vista proclaimed it boldly all over the internet. Even if only few of the virus writers do it for getting famous, why don't they try to write viruses for the Mac? You know what, they do - but they are not successful. Surely you'll agree that writing a virus for the Mac platform would garner huge amounts of attention from all over the world. And every netizen wants that kind of attention - every single one.
kumarmohit said:
Virus writing is not going to make anyone famous, it will make him infamous.
There is no such thing as negative publicity.
kumarmohit said:
In special cases it might even land the writer in jail.
Oh! And writing viruses for Windows is legally approved by the United States, I suppose!
gx_saurav said:
oh & by the way, i have never sen a virus writer coming in front & telling his name that he made a virus
Because you and I are not important enough. Look around on the internet, however and you'll find that most big viruses are backed by people who claim to have written it.
mAV3 said:
how many will get affected by a virus on mac
Apple sold 1.6 million Macs the last quarter. Add to that the previously installed base of Macintoshes. Also count the fact that since Mac OS X runs on just a handful of similar configurations, any virus for the Mac platform would, in essence, be omnipotent. So, I suppose that is a sizable amount of Macs that could be affected if a virus were to be released for the platform. I know the number is tiny compared to Windows - but it is large enough to earn a lot of money from. Most Hollywood studios use Macs by the truckload. I can see a lot of money for hackers there.
mAV3 said:
the same is true y does a bomb blast occur at a place where ppl are more and y not at a place whr ppl are less .... the impact
It was planned for the House of Parliament when there were only about a hundred people there.
Actually, your statement strengthens my case. Evil-doers do it for pleasure too, money is not the sole motive behind creating viruses - like planning a bomb blast somewhere.
nikhilrao said:
Oh GOD. Not again. Why are Mac users so intolarant and insecure about their OS ?

Cant we hav some normal discussion here ?
Mac OS X “is still a little immature in terms of security compared to Vista,” he contends.
Who is being insecure here? Oh and BTW, this 'analysis' at least proves one thing. Windows XP IS very weak security-wise when compared to Mac OS X, right? You guys cannot deny that now.
Kiran_tech_mania said:
I really don't understand whatz the problem with Mac users here. Why are they trying to prove that "Its THE Best"? Being Windows user, I can definetly say that it is also not perfect in all aspects.
There is a difference between proclaiming that something is the best and that something is perfect. Yes, I - very proudly - say that Mac OS X is the best operating system there is but it is not perfect. It is miles ahead of Windows, yes but it can be improved a lot more (and Leopard will go several steps in that direction).
And it is not just Mac users who are creating the ruckus. Windows and (in the past) Linux users are involved too. It is just a trend on the internet that if someone speaks in favour of the Mac, label him a Mac 'fanboy' or 'maniac'.
The gist of my post is this: while I do understand that the Mac's strong position of security is largely due to it's being a minority in the computer market, it is also improper to say that it is the sole reason. Macs are inherently more secure than Windows because there are ZERO viruses out there for an operating system that has been out there for six years and had a sales figure of 1.6 million in the last four months combines. Surely there would have been at least about FIVE viruses by now.
And basically, even all this logic is rendered useless by the in-your-face fact that Macs are not prone to viruses while Windows is largely affected by it. Forget the reason and face the fact. Macs are thousand times more secure than Windows and that position isn't going to change anytime soon... if at all!