virus killing antivirus..??

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I'm d GAME
I'm facing a strange problem in my PC. recently i got the NAV 2007 trial installed in PC & strangly it got currupted all by itself... i tried to uninstall it but it gave eroor each time n can't ne uninstalled, i formatted my C drive n reinstalled XP n 1st thing after installation i did was to install Panda antivirus, it worked fine for a day but then its auto protect disabled all by itself n it stoped working i uninstalled it n tried mcafee,avast,NAV2005 but all of them worked fine for a while n thier autoprotect disabled itself n they seiged to work. i got latest virus update n i installed all software from CD. i reinstalled my XP 3 times but it did happend each time. Don't know wat to do plz help..!


Distinguished Member
r u using trial editions of all these : nav, panda, mcafee ? then the 'autoprotect' will disable after the trial period is over. but yes, it shud not b hapning in a day or two ! even in case of avast u have to get the free serial and enter/register it !

if that is the case, i think ur registry may be all junked up with all these uninstalls. if u can, reinstall xp just this once and intall avg free av from U wont need a serial for it too ! also instal avg anti-spyware freeware from the same site. update both and scan UR entire PC with each of them, in SAFE MODE.

if u dont wish to uninstall, the run and clear ur pc junk with it. scan ur full pc with ur av and as in SAFE MODE. also post ur hjt logfile to see if there really is any malware infection.
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