glad the ass is dead
do you even know the reservation system? why it was put up?
lolnoob. have you ever gone out your house before? go to a village or town.
even today you can see assnoob teachers treating lower caste children really bad. they make them sit in last bench, sometimes on the floor, never appriciate their work, beat them....
this kindof sh1t happens even in colleges.
now add the lack in facilty, income, lack of fuking books

....... they dont even have a proper home to live in for lower caste ppls
even today children study under street light. so under these terrible conditions, how much scoring they can do?
and here you are whining that reservations shouldnt be there.
why dont you study harder, or is it that you dont have the
STUFF lolzzzzzzz.
lolsaalanoob lol
but there are many people who misuse this system, but that counts very less, lesser than 10% i'd say. there are more people of higher caste who get fake st/sc/bc.... certificates just to get benifits.
if you know people like them, make a complaint to local police station, they'll take care of the rest. the culprits degree certificates will be canceled, like deleting lolzzz