utorrent memory usuage ?

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utorrent & firefox memory usuage ?

When I run utorrent....after 10-15 or max. 30 min......my net disconnects and CPU usage goes between 95-100 %

To solve this issue....I have to restart my modem and connect to net and end utorrent process....

What is the permanent solution of this problem ?


How to reduce Firefox 3 memory usage ?
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Ambassador of Buzz
see dis link may dis help you. but didn't faced dis problem yet.


die blizzard die! D3?
do you have a mobo with nvidia chipset,there is some problem with them iirc and the nvidia people have said to be working on it atm.

Choto Cheeta


Reduce the number of peer connections :) if the number of connection is too high and system config is low then problem may come up :(
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