USB Hard disk not mounted on my router


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I have a Asus RT N 13U B1 router. I flashed DD WRT firmware to my router. I can access the internet and all.

Now I am trying to connect my Hard disk to the USB port. I have My Book 2 TB external hard drive. I formatted it to FAT32 using Verbatim Smart Disk tool.

Then I connected it to my router and tried to enable USB service.

But it is showing the status as not mounted.

imgur: the simple image sharer

<a href="*"><img src="*" title="Hosted by" /></a>

I am not a Linux person. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help. I have tried

insmod fat
insmod vfat

There are no errors there.

Should I not try DD WRT and go back to asus firmware itself?



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try posting/reading/searching here.i am certain you will get some answers:
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