Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL)

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Broken In
I purchased new system yesterday
i5 2400 with Intel DH67CL MoBo. Currently no graphics card is there other than onboard graphics.
The monitor I am using is Full HD Benq SE2231.

I have installed windows 7 ultimate 64-bit OS.There is a strange problem with the graphics.
Whenever I try to install the graphics driver, after the restart "starting windows ..." is shown but I am not able to see the login screen. Only a blank screen is shown though I could hear the background activity in the background.

I have recognized that the problem is only with the graphics driver and the way to restore my system is to restart windows in safe mode and either restore system before the graphics driver update or uninsall the graphics driver.

I tried with the graphics drivers that came with the board and also with the latest one from intel download centre.

The monitor is connected with HDMI cable but windows recognizes my display adaptor in the device manager as "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter".

After searching on net, I could see many people facing similar problems but with no solution.

Some links on net without any solution
Problem with Intel graphics driver for i3-2100 on a DH67GD using HDMI

Urgent help is deeply required.

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

Reinstall win7 and then install latest drivers from intel website. See if it works.


Broken In
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

I have tried reinstalling win 7 multiple times but the problem reoccurs.
Also, I have tried using the drivers provided with the motherboard as well as downloaded from intel website but all in vain.

Another link where people are facing this problem.
New i3 2100 can't load windows (fresh install) with latest intel GMA driver

I think many may have already faced this issue on this forum.


Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

Win7 Ultimate you would require 64-Bit drivers...
You do understand it... For updating drivers I use Driver Genius ( Paid ) see if it helps...
Slim Drivers is also good.. ( free )..


Cyborg Agent
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

Can you post more details on your configuration? And please note that one must install 64-bit drives for a x64 OS


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

^^ one can't install 32 bit driver on 64 bit OS - so Op must have installed 64 bit driver ;-)

@ OP - re-install win 7 once more - install Sp1 - install all the latest updates for the OS - Install intel inf driver - install latest gfx driver from intel website and connect the monitor using DVI/VGA cable - post feedback.


Broken In
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

Sorry couldn't reply earlier as was busy rectifying the problem.

My system has been rectified yesterday. As per advice given somewhere, I followed the following sequence and it really worked :)

1. Win 7 64-bit installation
2. Installed all latest drivers (such as chipset, audio, LAN, etc.) excluding the graphics drivers from intel. (*downloadcenter.intel.com/). Of course all the drivers were 64-bit.
3. Installed Windows SP1
4. Installed all the latest updates for windows 7. Left out the browser updates and unnecessary ones.
5. Installed the intel graphics driver from CD.

One thing left is to try the latest graphics driver from intel but I would do that later as this has already given me lot of headache.
I learnt a way to progress with this problem is to create a restore point before installing any driver. Whenever I faced problem after restart, then the system could be restored to the saved restore point in the safe mode.
This helped me in knowing that the problem was with graphics driver.

I have connected the monitor with a HDMI cable. My understanding is that the problem is with intel onboard 64-bit graphics driver. Anyone having a external graphics card will not face this problem.

Thanks everyone for helping me in resolving this.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

^^ nice to know about it ;-)


Cyborg Agent
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

@djrocky, so the drivers were indeed the problem, glad to know that you succeeded in troubleshooting the whole problem :)


Computer Addict
Re: Urgent Help please - Stuck up with Graphics problem on Win 7 64-bit (Intel DH67CL

Use Windows update to find the proper drivers. Mostly it will get them without trouble. If not working, you will need to check the bill for hardware specification, go the manufacturer site and download drivers according to the model no. of your hardware.
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