Chosen of the Omnissiah
Just use Pidgin.
Originally Posted by ico
Just use Pidgin.
^^hmm...but i dont want to install messenger for each account...let my pass be sold what to do....
Opera User plz jump in and help I dont want to create a new thread for this..
Weird problem in opera...when i use theme made by ico/amvita .css file page act weird...sometype reply get posted sometime not..sometime post get edited sometime not...sometime signature changes sometime not...but when i dont use these .css file all thing act smooth....why so???
BTW why are other contacts hidden ?
Does it contain SGS or CM ?
CODE language hope you understand
SGS refers to S. Gautam and CM is C. Mainak
Most ppl wont understand it
Again stealing ur siggy for the same reason and for the same placebtw thx..
Nice siggy!! GOD!