Unable to login to the ISP and unabel to connect to internet if router is used


I have a Netgear N 150 router which I use to connect to internet so that I can connect other devices using WIFI.
However for the past two days I find that I'm unable to go beyond the ISP Login Page. I get the following Error Message when I try to login .

Your Maximum Sessions Completed.

When I bypass the router and connect to internet directly I'm able to login and use the internet.

I have been using the same router for 2 years now with the same ISP not sure what's causing this problem to happen.

Will appreciate any help!

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talk to your ISP and tell him to reset your username. you might have entered the wrong login info. many times could have blocked you and not allowing you to login again.


how ? let us know.

I called up those morons and informed about the problem. They said they tried everything at my end and that I need to reset my router password to get the thing fixed. When I went home and logged in I was able to get in without any issues.
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