Unable to install Wine

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Hello all,
I recently switched to Ubuntu version 6. Though i successfully installed most of the softwares needed bt i m unable to install wine.
I gives error msg "bad header [some ip address]". Though i updated my sourcelist etc (as suggested by some frnd)
Can u plz help me out. I m complete novice


18 Till I Die............
Can you describe the steps taken?
Did you do
sudo apt-get update
then do
sudo apt-get install wine
You can also install winetools, which is really helpful.
Then you can check out *frankscorner.org/


18 Till I Die............
WINE stands for WINE is not an emulator. It is also called as WINdows Emulator.
It lets you run windows apps under linux.


Wise Old Owl
Try CrossOver Office. You can install IE 6.0, Dreamweaver, Office 2003,
PhotoShop 7.0 etc., It sure rocks!! Checkout the below link for more details.
Now run Windows applications on Linux!!


18 Till I Die............
JGuru said:
Try CrossOver Office. You can install IE 6.0, Dreamweaver, Office 2003,
PhotoShop 7.0 etc., It sure rocks!! Checkout the below link for more details.
Now run Windows applications on Linux!!
Just in case you don't want to spend use can use wine and winetools to install all of the above. Just check *frankscorner.org/.


Guys can u tell me hw to install downloaded packages. I have downloaded few packages having .tar.gz extension bt i m stuck on hw to install them.
Secondly i m unable to edit my menu using "alacarte menu editor" i m currently using root account & changes are nt reflected :(


18 Till I Die............
To untar and unzip .tar.gz packages use
 tar xzvf <package name>
Then there will be a directory created cd to that directory. There will be a README file in which instructions will be given on how to proceed.
In Ubuntu don't use root account, rather use sudo to carry out administrative tasks.
Try logging out and logging back in that might show the changes in your menu.


Even logging out does nt change the menu.
Problem is quite confusing if i change any submenu under internet thn it is reflected immediately bt if i m unable to change sub menu options under administration title. neither i can add any new menu title like add/remove application

one more querry if i install any packages thn where are they get installed i mean hw can i access thm if they didnt turn up at menu. (same as if we install any application in windows thn by default it goes to c:\program files)


18 Till I Die............
Press alt + F2, for run command. You can then type the name of the program.
Or you can type it from command line too.


left this forum longback
For reference,am posting my /etc/apt/sources.list below:
prakash@prakash-desktop:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb file:/var/cache/apt-build/repository apt-build main
# Automatically generated sources.list
# *www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic
# If you get errors about missing keys, lookup the key in this file
# and run these commands (replace KEY with the key number)
# gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv KEY
# gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -

# Ubuntu supported packages (packages, GPG key: 437D05B5)
deb *in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted
deb *in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted
deb *security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted

# Ubuntu community supported packages (packages, GPG key: 437D05B5)
deb *in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse
deb *in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multiverse
deb *security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe multiverse

# Seveas' packages (packages, GPG key: 1135D466)
deb *seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas dapper-seveas all

# Cipherfunk multimedia packages (packages, GPG key: 33BAC1B3)
deb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ dapper main

# Penguin Liberation Front (packages)
deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free

# The Opera browser (packages)
deb *deb.opera.com/opera etch non-free

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