Ulaan Bataar


Broken In
Holy ****, today is d day. I've been covering South Korean clients for my employer for the last 4-5 years. I know the place inside out, the culture and the various ins and outs that can come with years of experience.

And now, I've been assigned to Ulaan Bataar for the next 1 year for the sake of diversification of experience? When my manager told me, I was like WTF? I can't even say "hello" in Mongolian! Deaf ears, as expected in the corporate world.

Ok, here's a question for you all: Who has some idea of the land of Chinggis Khan, and anyone with first hand experience? (Our first clients who I'm about to meet are a mobile comm company).

Ulaan Bataar......man, who'd have thought. The only good thing I've heard so far is that I can go on a 11,000 KM train ride across the trans-siberian railway, which also runs through UB. Yeah right, like Metro 2033 isn't nearly as entertaining! And I have friends who are headed for Phoenix, Arizona. :(


Evolving Rapidly...
Hey chill man, take it as an adventure man! Now many of us would ever go to Ulaan Batar? Much fewer than those who would go to the US! Plus since its only 1 yr, just enjoy it!

I have seen Ulan Batar in Lonely Planet, and well IIRC it was quite interesting!

---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

what do u do btw?? your line of work seems attractive to me, I want the Up in the Air kinda life too!


Broken In
I'm a mobile app developer (symbian/iphone/windows, 6 years). Prior to that I was working on embedded systems (mc control and firmware development, 2 years).

"I want the Up in the Air kinda life too!"

As with most things in life, it's all greener on the other side. Once you get there, it's not all that green. Not trying to discourage you by any means, but that's really the truth. I spend falf the time explaining to the ever-curious international audience that I didn't grow up battling snakes and tigers and fighting various forms of fever. And then there are expressions of disbelief when I present my credentials and job description ;)

The real fun is when you get posted to an awesome place. At the other extreme, life can be difficult. When I first left the country, I went to Hanoi, Vietnam (Our company focuses exclusively on east asian clients). I jumped in joy when I was made the offer, and jumped equally intensely in frustration after a week in Hanoi. Language problems, cultural adjustments and what not. And unlike some places, things don't settle out. I settled out wonderfully in Korea, which is now like a second home. But Guangzhou, Hanoi.......these are places I could never adjust to because of many idiosyncrasies. So far, Seoul has been unreal and awesome beyond words. Let's see what Ulaan Bataar has in store.

And the wildest part is I haven't stepped into the US/UK/Europe circuits in my near-10 year career. :p

---------- Post added at 02:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 AM ----------

its genghis khan dude not chinggis khan
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Genghis is the western naming style. There are many variations of the name. All point to the same prick though. Check out the wikipedia article.
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Evolving Rapidly...
I'm a mobile app developer (symbian/iphone/windows, 6 years). Prior to that I was working on embedded systems (mc control and firmware development, 2 years).

"I want the Up in the Air kinda life too!"

As with most things in life, it's all greener on the other side. Once you get there, it's not all that green. Not trying to discourage you by any means, but that's really the truth.
I get it, everything has its advs/disadvs... And surely it will have its challenges too!

I spend falf the time explaining to the ever-curious international audience that I didn't grow up battling snakes and tigers and fighting various forms of fever. And then there are expressions of disbelief when I present my credentials and job description ;)
Yeah, I have heard similar stories. Some people in the America think Indians serve only the function of producing babies, and that we have our first kids by the time we are 17! :lol: But aren't we the same too? I mean the only thing that popped into my head when i read "Hanoi" was people eating live snakes, roaches & what not!! :))

BTW - I always had this doubt: Do East Asian girls (esp, Koreans) hook up with Indians? or is it a strict no-no??:???::grin:


Democracy is a myth
BTW - I always had this doubt: Do East Asian girls (esp, Koreans) hook up with Indians? or is it a strict no-no??:???::grin:

Man, u r bein too despo. Abe tujhe idhar hi milegi, aur bahut achi milegi....

But, Korean gals r beautiful, aren't they? Menas, I've only seen them in movies...d gal in "My Sassy Girl" is just awesome :rolleyes:


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
Yeah she is so beautiful that I downloaded all of other movies she acted in...hugely disappointed :(

Anyways, my bro studying in NUS tells me that the south-east asian girls do mingle with Indian boys but never have any relationship with them.


Broken In
BTW - I always had this doubt: Do East Asian girls (esp, Koreans) hook up with Indians? or is it a strict no-no??:???::grin:

Hanoi is really that. Dog meat is a common affair there, yuck. But I've also had good (quite exotic) vegan dishes there. It's not like every restaurant is willing to stuff animal meat down your throat, lots of options.

As for Korean Girls - Difficult to generalize, but the urbanites and typical city girls are very cautious about their looks.....as expected from a high-tech development frenzied city like Seoul. One thing I noticed is the skin quality: Without any disrespect to my country gals, Korean/Chinese/Jap/East Asian skin texture and appearance is difficult to beat, even without makeup. I've seen Korean girls in person whose skin beats the best makeup on the best actresses on Indian television. Not trying to sound like a racist/white supremist, but purely from an aesthetic point of view. These kids know more about plastic surgery and skin maintenance than doctors here, and the cosmetics industry here is a gold mine for any investor/enterpreneur!

And yes, they hang out with anything that has money ;). Kidding, not all Korean girls are like that. Indians are quite a minority there, but respected. I dated a Korean girl for about a year until we both agreed to move on (mutually, without any bitterness). Thing is she is completely Americanized from head to toe, so there are no "Korean" conclusions I can draw from my time with her, except that she was wickedly intelligent (A lister UPenn passout). The only thing Korean about her was her national pride, lol. She'd give me lectures on how great Korea is, and how it's better than xyz place.

I see a lot of them are with Russian boyfriends, but as you all know, relationships last 6 to 7 months in most cases. Partner changing is fashionable there.

Like it or not, the primary (PRIMARY) criteria for you being selected by a Korean girl is going to be skin color and looks (duh!). My mom is Persian, so I'm type III on the Von Luschan scale (ragged in college for being fair and not maintaining a down to earth, earthly Indian appearance), and I can just pass by their standards.

It's unfortunate, but for majority Korean girls, white is beautiful.

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

Forgot to add: believe it or not, I've seen more Chinese girls (English speaking) with Indian guys than Koreans girls with Indian guys. Political relations might be cold and cutting between red and saffron, but matters of the heart are quite the nicety nice. :)


Staff member
Man, u r bein too despo. Abe tujhe idhar hi milegi, aur bahut achi milegi....

But, Korean gals r beautiful, aren't they? Menas, I've only seen them in movies...d gal in "My Sassy Girl" is just awesome :rolleyes:

Yellow fever...lol. Practically its not worth the salt unless u r in their base stealin their chicks.

IMVHO if u never get a chance to go there then look around, its india, where variety is the spice of life.

I suggest going for a trip to uttrakhand, siliguri, darjeeling, manipur and other eastern places. Though neighbourhood nepal is awesome too and over 9000 points for similar culture.

Rhitwick i hav seen s koreans close, atleast 50+ in number. Here r some points i noted :p
1. All the girls hav same hairstyle except few. They all look alike...lol. No pun intended.

2. Skin color is mainly pale white with few exception. I say i like exceptions. From far it looks good but up close u can see imperfections due to pale skin.

3. Guys r just like us. Roaming in groups of three and bindaas attitude. Again with some overly shy kind whom u can ony see once in a while.

4. One geeky girl with big round specs and dressing sense different ( long skirt or whatever u call it) than rest of the stock (long white t shirts reaching to knees). Her english is simple wow...i mean the accent...by far the best and most amusing. Tough she is not that beautiful but her accent makes up for that and i can spend hours listenin to her engrish. Call me weird but i like it :p

5. Generally girls r not tall except one. She wears a jacket (probably coz she'll look thin otherwise) and her hairstyle is different from rest. And then there is one tall guy...lol...tallest i have ever seen in my campus. Jason stathom kinda haircut but real skinny guy like the the lambu in the classic.

6. While faces are mostly flat with few exceptions. Havent seen a girl like my sassy girl jeon ji hyung among these koreans. But something abt her loook indianish. Hav seen indian girls just like her and much better.

7. In general koreans are average on looks as per my observations just like an other country. I can see both extremes here. You wont find jeon ji hyun, son ye jin or lee eun ju in every face. Its like 1 in 100.

8. Lol...i happened to be the witness to a love story sprung a few months back between a korean pair. Good jodi. Only korean guy i have seen in gym. Gal is shy and quite conscious abt her looks and all other obvious things. Fortunately or unfortunately i always happen to cross their ways.

9. There r bindaas type guy too. And some school_going_kid_lookalike_smoking_gangasta_style too.

10. Hvent seen a korean guy with visible facial hairs. And never seen one sweating. Just some observaions.

11. And what Rchandan said is true.

Chinese girls r better in geting along with indian guys. Further add japan, vietnam, singapore and thailand too.
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Evolving Rapidly...
Man, u r bein too despo.
Well if exploring options leads to being called a despo, then I dont care one bit...:-|

---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

Hanoi is really that.

I've seen Korean girls in person whose skin beats the best makeup on the best actresses on Indian television. Not trying to sound like a racist/white supremist, but purely from an aesthetic point of view.
guess I expected this, from my dose of exp with East Asian films and also North-East Indian chicks.

I see a lot of them are with Russian boyfriends, but as you all know, relationships last 6 to 7 months in most cases.
Even that seems a lot compared to what goes on in engg colleges.:wink:

It's unfortunate, but for majority Korean girls, white is beautiful.
hehe, guess I dont fulfill the criteria anyway.

Political relations might be cold and cutting between red and saffron, but matters of the heart are quite the nicety nice. :)
Thats news to me.:)


Staff member
guess I expected this, from my dose of exp with East Asian films and also North-East Indian chicks.

Im not quite sure but i hav seen fair share of them with not so good skin. Further, upclose its not as flawless as it looks from distance. And cosmetic surgery, as pointed by rchandan, is a norm there. Especially almost everyone undergoe double eyelid surgery. May be rchandan will shed more light on it. And dude dont believe much what u see in movies. People prefer tanned skin too, like lee hyori.

Even north east indian girls, mainly living in high altitude areas bear that distinct freckle skin look. But its kind of smexy if u ask me, last girl frm darjeeling has mild freckles. But one of my schoolmate from uttrakhand has almost flawless skin.


Broken In
Im not quite sure but i hav seen fair share of them with not so good skin. Further, upclose its not as flawless as it looks from distance. And cosmetic surgery, as pointed by rchandan, is a norm there. Especially almost everyone undergoe double eyelid surgery. May be rchandan will shed more light on it. And dude dont believe much what u see in movies. People prefer tanned skin too, like lee hyori.

Even north east indian girls, mainly living in high altitude areas bear that distinct freckle skin look. But its kind of smexy if u ask me, last girl frm darjeeling has mild freckles. But one of my schoolmate from uttrakhand has almost flawless skin.

Not sure where the confusion is, but I wasn't trying to generalize anyways. I never said all Koreans have porcelain skin. What I was trying to say is: The one's who have good skin have really good skin, exceptionally good. And I was referring to people without makeup.

My 'close' interactions are mostly restricted within the corporate space where Koreans pay CRITICAL attention to attire and appearance, so that maybe the reason I've encountered a higher number of such people. Anyways, once again, like Kanjar said, not all Koreans are supermodel stuff. That's true.

Yes, cosmetic surgery: the craze in Korea is just insance. Chemical peels, eyelid surgery, dermabrasions and everything in between. Like I said, it's a diamond mine.


Chillum Baba
Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.

By the way Ulaan Bataar should be fun. Just have some patience for a couple of months and keep your mind open and you will start loving it. The food is quite bland though.


Democracy is a myth
Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.

Tu bhi na..........

but why would that be? basic characteristics of every human being is same. A man would have same features irrespective of the place he's is from same is applied to women too.

Yes, they can have deformities (!!!??? Just imagine) but generalizing a deformity for all........ummmm I don't know


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.

Quoted for Epicness. LOL!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: - horizontal lulz

:lol: - vertical lulz

lulz are lulz - doesn't matter whether they are vertical or horizontal.


Staff member
Horizontal to wat (ground, bed, longcat) ? :lol:

Rchandan, do write a post abt ur stay in korea.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.
EPIC!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: - horizontal lulz

:lol: - vertical lulz

lulz are lulz - doesn't matter whether they are vertical or horizontal.

:lol: @ Gaps in horizontal lulz
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Broken In
Horizontal to wat (ground, bed, longcat) ? :lol:

Rchandan, do write a post abt ur stay in korea.

Actually, I've been travelling to Korea for 4-5 years. I'm going to live in UlaanBaatar. I'll write about the place, surely.

Don't mean to be harsh on anyone or hurt anybody's feelings but one weirdest thing I have heard is that those girls with narrow eyes (chinese, korean, mongolians, japanese etc) have their private parts horizontal instead of vertical.

By the way Ulaan Bataar should be fun. Just have some patience for a couple of months and keep your mind open and you will start loving it. The food is quite bland though.

Lol, EPIC! :-D
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