Ubuntu queries

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In the zone
i just installed ubuntu 6.06 on my computer anda am a total newbie.
now i ve some queries.
1. how to connect to internet through my dataone connection. i want to connect in bridge mode through a dialer like i do in windows rite now.
2. i ve winxp in c: drive of 160gb sata n ubuntu on c: drive of 20gb ide drive. how to dual boot b/w them.
3. can i install 2 linux distros on same drive?? like on c drive of 20gb ide drive.
4. also i am unable to access the fat32 partition on the hdd on which ubuntu is installed. i want it to b accesible as i need a interface b/w my ubuntu and xp where i can keep documents, etc. which can b accessed from both os.
pls help.



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1.run ``sudo pppoeconf`` from a terminal and answer for those dialogue boxes
2.GNU/Linux and other *nixes have no C,D labeled drives,they are identified as sdx or hdx etc where x is the drive.and you can edit the ubuntu /boot/grub/menu.lst to show your ide drive where Ubuntu is installed(like (hd1,0) for first partition of second drive.grub may be installed on MBR of sata drive if sata drive is the primary.so post your ``fdisk -l`` from a terminal.
3.GNU/Linux is also a Operating System and it needs space like M$ Windows for installation.you can partition your 20GB into 2 or 3 different partition including a common swap partition for both distros.
4.See! Linux also needs Partition Space and its not something virtual that doesnot need space!.if you are searching for a missing fat32 partition most probably it is alloted by Ubuntu for Ubuntu Linux!.

there are different types of Operating Systems other than Windows.the harddisk is not called as C,D etc.of most of these OS's are *NIX based and are very very stable.so please take some time to understand about GNU/Linux


In the zone
praka123 said:
1.run ``sudo pppoeconf`` from a terminal and answer for those dialogue boxes

i am still unable to use my net.
i configured my ethernet card n then used sudo pppoeconf
but still unable to connect.
it says, no modem found. wot to do??
i have ut3000r2u dataone modem configured to work frm bridge mode.
i am also unable to access router administratin page from firfox.


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then post the output of ifconfig command from a terminal.
most probably ur lan intereface was not started


In the zone
heres d screenshot u asked for

also pls tell me how to dual b/w ubuntu n xp present on two diff. physical drives. pls..
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