Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) queries by me.

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Its now 1 day left to release new version of ubutnu. I am using gusty now, Some effects in gusty didint work for me becase i have done something wrong while experimenting.:oops: Now i want a fresh install of hardy. I have a dual boot of gusty and vista on my laptop. I will download hardy 2morrow. I have some queries before starting installing hardy. I am still not so much familiar with linux, so please consider if i ask something wrong. Following are my queries

To unistall gusty, if i delete the whole partition from vistas disk managment, is it correct or is there any other way to remove gusty.

My default booting system is grub loader, if i remove gusty, can i again directily goes to vista or should i make any change in vista for booting.

Installing gusty was really pain for me as i have amd64 bit processor and due to broadcom drivers. That time i used ubuntu alternate CD for installation, thanks prakash for the help for that time. Now when i want new installation of hardy, does it necessary to use alternate version of hardy, i heard that new kernel will solve broadcomm driver issue.

The last query is that is it the right time to install hardy as it will release now and is it stable.

Please guide me to install from start. :D


Who stole my Alpaca!
I wouldn't try the 64 bit version yet. I heard that Hitboxx tried it out and is recovering from the frustration still of getting it to run. :D .


i once tried 64 bit version in ubuntu 7.10 for nearly 15 days. i found problems mainly in installing flash & opera browser. now using 32bit version, it doesnt have any problems -till now :D


Who stole my Alpaca!
i once tried 64 bit version in ubuntu 7.10 for nearly 15 days. i found problems mainly in installing flash & opera browser. now using 32bit version, it doesnt have any problems -till now

I dont know why you would face a problem with this. There is flash and Opera for 64 bit systems and as far as I have heard they work great.

Huh I was thinking of trying it!
If you don't mind the troubleshooting experience then go right ahead :D. It was a learning experience for me. Ill only install 64 bit whatever (IM thinking of a new distro like Sabayon or fedora) for my system.


is there any significant difference in performance between 32bit and 64 bit versions? i could hardly find the difference :(
tomorrow, i am going to install 64bit Ubuntu-Studio 8.04 (as my PC is mostly used for multimedia), hope it will not cause problems.


Who stole my Alpaca!
is there any significant difference in performance between 32bit and 64 bit versions?
Really noticeable? Well I guess not. But it would further depend on the kind of applications you run.

tomorrow, i am going to install 64bit Ubuntu-Studio 8.04 (as my PC is mostly used for multimedia), hope it will not cause problems.
Good Luck.


Can any one please anwser my queries as mentioned above. i just need to delete gusty partition and now wants 32 bit version of hardy. i dont want 64bit version


if you want single boot (for vista only) you have to restore master boot record after deleting linux partitions. if you are going to install again ubuntu, then no need to restore MBR, as new version will detect Vista and load GRUB accordingly. just format the old ubuntu partiotions and boot from new ubuntu CD.

for restoring MBR:
So how do you restore your MBR for Windows Vista?

1. Put the Windows Vista installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
2. Press a key when you are prompted.
3. Select a language, a time, a currency, a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
4. Click Repair your computer.
5. Click the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
6. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Command Prompt.
7. Type Bootrec.exe /FixMbr, and then press ENTER.

That's it. Now when you reboot your PC, Vista will load
source: *quainttech.blogspot.com/2007/05/how-to-remove-ubuntu-from-vista-dual.html


You gave been GXified
I got a Core 2 Duo E6550 & Intel DG31PR motherboard, which edition should I download? 32bit or 64bit?


Proud to be Linux
if you don't have time to get things(flash,skype..etc) working on a 64bit ubuntu go for the 32 bit.(it hardly takes an hour to get all things working)

but i use 64 bit and will not change forever.


Staff member
yeah u can pop in same 32 bit cd in any computer and it will boot.
Things are easier to setup 32 bit, few applications lack support.
Not much speed-up, so practically both deliver same performance.

My Rig;
C2D E6300


left this forum longback
32-bit is better if you are type of guy who dont want to tinker much to get ur plugins(proprietary) like flash,jre,codecs etc. :D

although,I think 64-bit should help a 64-bit hardware to perform better(hopefully!).ask @filled-void for more info!

offtopic:biju if u want dvd,pls pm me ;)
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